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Still Ashley's POV:

Jinxx, And Jake go home but me, CC and Andy stay. the Doctor says she passed out from loss of blood, and that she is really unstable. she has a lot of chemical imbalance, and has Anemia. what ever that is.


Ashley took andy to get some food while I stay and watch Journey so he feels better. I sit and I get board so I start reading her a gossip magazine. but get board so I put it back. I look at her clip board to see what's all going on with her. I look at her and her eyes open. blinking a few times, then looking around the room. she's looks at me almost like she doesn't know who I am.

"Hey your awake" I say

"Who are you?" She asks

"I'm CC. you don't remember me?" I ask. she shakes her head. oh okay. some memory loss. I wonder how Andy will react to this?

"How are you feeling?" I ask

"Tired" she says. she goes to stretch "and my arms are really heavy" she adds letting them fall.

The nurse comes in and asks Questions. she thinks she's 11 and that her sister is alive. five years, she doesn't remember five fucking years of her life. the doctor comes in and is quite surprised by how much she doesn't remember. He leaves, and tells her to get some rest.

"Excuse me" I say "but will she get her memory back?"

"It's 50-50" he says. "But I don't know if remembering it would be a good thing. it could break her completely" he says

"What do you mean?" I ask

"She thinks her sister is still alive. that alone could do it and from what I've heard about her mum, I just don't know if she would be able to handle it"

"Her sister?" I ask

"Her sister committed suicide five years ago" he says

"Oh" I say

I sit back down and look at her while she sleeps. knowing her past might push her over the edge. was it really that bad? Was it all that terrible? Soon Ashley and Andy come back. Ashley made andy take a shower and change his clothes.

"Has she woken up yet?" ash asks me quietly.

"Yeah. she has major memory loss and thinks she sister is still alive" I say

"She has a sister?" ash asks

"Yeah. I didn't know that either" I say "but the doctor said her remembering the past could be to much"

"Who's telling Andy?" He asks

"I will" I say

Andy's POV:

The good news is she's going to be fine, the bad news is she may not remember the last five years of her life.Ashley and CC leave and pull a chair up beside her bed.

Journeys POV:

I wake up to a dark room, I look down and Andy is passed out. his head on my leg and holding my hand. I smile and give his hand a weak squeeze. this is the first time iv woke up in the hospital to someone who is staying with me. its nice. his head lifts and looks at me, a smile on his face.

"Hi" I say quietly

"Hi" he says being quiet to.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask

"More relived your alive" he says

Andy's POV:

I don't really know if I'm mad at her. I just wish she didn't cut, and would come to me instead of a blade. I wanted to hold her, kiss her and I don't think she's used to people caring about her.

Two days laters she's aloud to come home. Witch is amazing. I was told if anything happened's come back right away. As we step out of the hospital Journey takes a deep breath, the sun is shining and its a warm day. not all the colour is back in her. she still looks quite pale, and there's no colour in her cheeks. she's smiling and seems happy. I can't help but have a worry that something's going to happen again and I will lose her.

Ashley's POV:

It's been a week since Journey was aloud out of the hospital. Andy is so paranoid about something happening he's driving her crazy, or as she put it.

"It's fucking driving me up the wall" he says. "I know he cares and all but come on, it's been a week. he need to chill"

"Your not used to having someone care and worry about you" it comes out more of a statement then a question. She doesn't say anything.

Journeys POV:

Andy has been driving me up the wall insane. telling me to sit down, not do this, oh no! I'll do that. are you sure like 100%, not lying to me that your good, you should rest. all things I get told a thousand times a day. I head back home, and Andy hugs me, then kisses me.

"Hey babe" he says

"Hey" I say. maybe he won't tell me to sit down, or hit at it least.

I head to the kitchen, and grab a monster.

"Shouldn't you have some water?" Andy asks

"Probably" I say and open the can.

"Please have some water" he says.

I turn on the tap and take a little bit of water. I turn it if and grab my monster and take a long sip. Andy looks at me disapprovingly. I grab some ketchup chips ((A/N: I know. Ketchup chips are only a Canadian but there sooo good. and my fav kid of chips ))

We sit on the couch and watch movies while cuddling. when dinner time comes around andy orders pizza. I drink a cup of water, witch sucked but it made andy stop complaining.

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