Chapter 8.

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[ Its stupid ]

[ Author POV ]

With the soft rippling sound of the water along with wind whispering something to the tress, the golden daffodils swayed in sync with the hovering butterflies, it was a perfect atmosphere of young love germinating. The sun was still out, both teens under the  cooling shadow of the lush green tree doing they're project with all of their focus, or at least trying to focus. Both of their mind wandered moment to moment, not around the beautiful scenery, but the person sitting across them. 

It was really hard for Vienne to concentrate; him being so close to her, their fingers brushing, tickling her silky skin with his chilled fingers, making goosebumps arise all over. Not only his scent was pulling her towards him, but the warmth she could feel- that is something only she knows how she has resisted it. It was driving her insane.

Jackson wasn't so sane either, it became difficult for him to take his eyes of her, now that she'd put her glasses on too. When their fingers brushed, a whole wave of weird tingeliness rushed through is body and his fingers burned and carved for more touch at the same time. The situation earlier was already a math problem for him that this unusual thing had to happen. From the second that he saw her making her way towards him till now, the entire time only one question is revolving in his head- Is this attachment or attraction?


Closing her book and notebook, Vienne sighed and slouched back on the tree, while Jackson was lost in his dreamworld for the 6th time today, "Hello? Mr.? Whats up with you today? you seem lost?!" she asked gaining his attention. "Oh, its-its nothing, Just thinking about the practice tomorrow." "Soccer means a lot to you doesn't it?" she randomly asked, stretching her her legs straight getting more comfortable. Jackson looked at her, happy that she's made a conversation for the first time but a little confused why this question all of a sudden. "What?" was all he could ask back.

"You know, you seem to show interest in only 2 things, being a douche and Soccer- not to mention you're always thinking about it. Isn't it important to you?" she nonchalantly said fidgeting with the grass beneath. Jackson was... shocked, many people have come to him only because of either his status in school or his good looks but no one ever before has shown so much interest in his personality before, maybe Vienne is different.

"Oh come on, don't think so much! Just spill it. Please?" she tried to make the best puppy dof face she could to persuade him, and she succeeded. Taking a deep breath, he nodded, "Fine I guess?" Her eyes gleamed with happiness and excitement, sitting up and folding her legs she patted the space beside her for him to take a seat which he gladly did. Resting her chin on her palms she looks at him with an eager smile. Laughing at her childish behavior he started, "Um, You might have heard of Josh? Our other team member, he and I have been friends since elementary school and playing soccer ever since, you can say its the thing I'm most passionate about..."

Time goes by, the sky slowly getting covered by orange and pink hue as the sun sets. These two however remain there, chatting as if its been only been 10 minutes. Both dead laughing, watering their eyes and clutching their stomachs. Vienne was losing her mind cracking up at something while the reason of Jackson's smile was her. She was indeed a pure soul. practically a child from inside. Like a child patiently listening to a story you tell them, she listened to him that way. The question on his mind was gradually clearing its way and moving towards the left... was he getting attached? Nah..its just stupid..but is it?

Same question was somewhere was in her mind aswell. Making her smile was a difficult task for many where this guy managed to bring the child in her out with such ease? how?

That day both of them went home smiling, even though a part of them did not wanted to go back but had to. Jackson saw the carefree Vienne once again and now he was determined to make her this side more evidently visible to others aswell. When Vienne reached home she was met with the sight of her Aunt and Uncle on the couch watching some show. Not wanting to disturb them, she was quietly trying to go upstairs, "Oh! hey Vienne how was your date?" she heard her uncle say and she stopped in her tracks. Date? Her aunt slapped her husband's shoulder and corrected him with gritted teeth, "Not a date honey, she went to study with Jaden!" "Um...its Jackson but okay.. anyways I am going to sleep now..Good night?" and she bolted upstairs.

All night, whenever the thought of Jackson crossed her mind, a red blush coated her cheeks and a smile sat on her face. Jackson however was more sorted, he figured that Vienne had some effect on him but what and how exactly was something he was desperate yet hesitant to find out.

------------------------------------- NEXT DAY---------------------------------------

Pulling a still sleepy Sara out in the hallways, her mind was looking for someone else. So lost finding that someone, she was oblivious that someone else was coming her way. "Hey! you're Vienne right?" she asked. Turning around at the voice, she saw a very pretty girl with a brochure in hand, "Um yeah, that's me why?"

"Hey so I'm Jenna and I'm the the extra curricular head and there are Cheerleading selections going on right now, wanna join?" she says handing her the brochure, "But isn't the team already selected?" "Yeah it was, then 2 of our lead members dropped out a little birdie told me you're experienced so I hope to see you today, after lunch! see ya!"

It was something heavy to take in. Cheerleading? How?

she shook her head, crumbled the paper and shoved it in her bag. Sara literally face palmed, her sleep long gone now as she has to follow her sister to wherever she was upto, already texting the person she had to. What she didn't know was that Jenna was heading somewhere, to that little birdie perhaps? Yes it was Jackson. (Duh)

"Job done brother. After all I am the best sis ever." Jenna folded her hands and leaned against his locker. "Yeah, you owe me that Jen, Anyways, you did not tell her that you're my cousin and that I have sent you right?" "No Mr. Kenner, your secret is safe with me. What I want to know is what is so special about this girl?" she asked. "That is none of your business and- Shit I've gotta go, see ya later." And he bolted out of there leaving his confused cousin hanging. As soon as he saw Sara's text he cursed himself under his breath, how can he be so stupid? Well, SHIT!


Okay I am sorry for this very lame chapter, I was too tired today but here it is!

Also, please get me someone who looks at me like Jackson looks at Vienne! Please!

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