Chapter - 24

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Jackson's eyes widen and jaw on the floor. Shock clearly evident in his eyes and world seemed to stop.

On the other hand Maddie was still as a rock, her hand on her cheek stinging with pain. She was just slapped by Maya, who had nothing but pure rage on her face.
[ Maddison is Shik Shak Shok ]

"That's for kissing my boyfriend," Vienne replied, her voice cold and steely. "He's taken, in case you didn't know."


"Listen here you lame excuse of a woman. This right here is my man. And if I see you even 10 meters near him- I am going to do way worse than just a slap you hear me. Now take your plastic ass and buzz off before I throw water on your face and wash away all the powder. Shoo"

All that conversation and Maddison running off was a blur sight for Jack. He felt 3 emotions at once. Shock. Admiration. Pride.

Watching Maddie run with her heels tick toking, Vienne looked at Jack and he couldn't hold his laughter anymore and erupted in a fit of laughter, which escalated more after watching the look on her face.
She is so adorable gawd.

Vienne, too, was taken aback by Jack's reaction, but she couldn't help but chuckle along with him. The tension of the moment dissipated, replaced by a sense of relief and shared amusement. Jack wiped away a tear of laughter, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he looked at Vienne.

"That was quite the slap," Jack said between chuckles, "I think Maddison got the message loud and clear."

Vienne's smile faded slightly, a possessive glint in her eyes. "She better have," she replied, her tone firm. "No one kisses my boyfriend and gets away with it."

Jack raised an eyebrow, finding Vienne's possessiveness somewhat endearing. "You know, I think it's kind of adorable how protective you are," he said, reaching out to squeeze her hand gently. "But you don't have to worry about Maddison. She's not a threat to us."

Vienne's expression softened, her grip on Jack's hand relaxing. "I know," she said, her voice softening. "I just... I don't like the idea of anyone else trying to steal you away from me."

Jack smiled, leaning in to kiss Vienne's cheek. "You have nothing to worry about," he said, his voice filled with reassurance. "I'm yours, and I'm not going anywhere."

As Vienne and Jack walked away, Jack couldn't help but feel a newfound admiration for Vienne's boldness and loyalty. Deep down, he was pleased to know that Vienne cared enough to stand up for their relationship, even if it meant a public confrontation.

As they walked back home, the laughter from the earlier incident fading into the background, Jack noticed a saddened look on Vienne's face. Concerned, he gently squeezed her hand and asked, "Hey, what's wrong? You seemed a bit off."

Vienne hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the ground. Finally, she looked up at Jack, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness and fear. "Watching Maddison kiss you... it brought back flashbacks of when I got cheated on by Josh," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "It just... it scared me, you know? The thought of losing you like that."

Jack's heart ached at Vienne's words. He stopped walking and pulled her into a gentle embrace, holding her close. "I'm so sorry, Vienne," he said, his voice filled with compassion. "I can't imagine how painful that must have been for you. But I want you to know that I'm not Josh. I love you, and I would never do anything to hurt you like that."

Vienne leaned into Jack's embrace, her tears soaking into his shirt. "I know, Jack," she said, her voice muffled against his chest. "I trust you. It's just... it's hard not to let the past affect me sometimes."

Jack held her tighter, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "I understand," he whispered. "But you don't have to worry about Maddison or anyone else. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I love you, Vienne, more than anything."

"Your eyes are the only mirror I like to see myself smiling in, don't you dare let this tears wash come in the middle of my reason to smile okay.."

They stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other's arms, finding comfort in their love and their shared strength. And as they continued their walk home, Vienne felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that she was loved and cherished by the man by her side.

(Next Day- School)

The next day at school, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement as students eagerly anticipated Jack's final football match. The school grounds were adorned with banners and posters, showcasing support for the team. Vienne, as the lead cheerleader, was busy coordinating the cheer routines with her team, ensuring that everything was perfect for the big game.

Jack, on the other hand, was focused and determined, his mind set on the match ahead. He received words of encouragement from his teammates and classmates, boosting his confidence even more.

During lunchtime, Vienne and Jack found a quiet spot to sit together. Vienne was still feeling a bit vulnerable from the previous day's events, but Jack's presence was a source of comfort for her. She leaned into him, and he wrapped an arm around her, offering silent support.

"You're going to be amazing tonight," Jack said, breaking the silence. "I have no doubt that you and the cheer team are going to wow everyone with your performance."

Vienne smiled, grateful for Jack's words of encouragement. "Thank you, Jack," she replied. "And you're going to be incredible on the field. I'll be cheering the loudest for you."

As the school day came to an end, the excitement continued to build. The football field was packed with students, parents, and supporters, all eagerly awaiting the start of the match. The cheer team took their places on the sidelines, ready to pump up the crowd and show their support for the team.

As Jack took to the field, Vienne felt a surge of pride. She knew that win or lose, they were in this together, and that their bond was stronger than any obstacle they might face. And as the game began, Vienne cheered louder than ever, knowing that no matter what happened, she had Jack by her side, and that was all that mattered.

However, during half time when Vienne did her routine, he saw a guy who he has never seen before take videos of her cheer team. He was okay about it till he noticed the man's attention on his girlfriend with a look of what seemed like- Admiration.

"Shut up. Hell no." He thought to himself.

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