Chapter 11.

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[ Josh ]

The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun, skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky, busy New York streets in vision and somewhere in the crowd were two kids, laughing and minding their own businesses. "Okay okay, another one...." Vienne said trying her best not to laugh. Jackson shook his head no and stopped her right there, "No, Not any more, I might die of stomach ache! Th- this is enough." Vienne was not taking any of it so she obviously continued, "So, Knock knock..?" Jackson face palmed but gave in, "Who's there?" "Cow says.." Turning to her with a quizzed look he though for a moment. Vienne was just looking in his eyes with a childish smile which melted his heart, he could legit feel it, his heart heating. "Fine. Cow says who?" 

With the determined glare she pulled her hand up and without him knowing smacked his head saying, "No.. a Cow says Mooooooooo" And sprinted ahead before he could process the joke. Groaning and faking a annoyed look, he began chasing her through the side walk, pushing people, muttering quick sorry and excuse me, his eyes never leave the giggling girl running not far from him, turning back moment to moment. His heart fills with this new yet humble feeling just watching her smile. Usually he would push these feeling away, but in her case the more he gets, the more he craves. Like a healthy addiction, teaching his body how to function.

Stopping just one step over the side walk, she turns back towards the boy now walking towards her with a charming smile, and a hand on his hip looking adorable as heck. "Come on Loser-" She yells but gets cut off by the horn of a speeding car, coming right her way. Darkness shades over Jackson's eyes as he turns towards the car aswell. "VIENNE!!" he shouts, body unconsciously moving forward in action, heart pounding as if it is going to burst out of his chest and legs pulling him to her, shoving people along the way caring about nothing but her.

Vienne when looks at the vehicle, her body goes numb and mind blank, she shuts her eyes close prepared to die any second now when two muscular arms grab her shoulder  and pull her over back on the street. Still breathing heavily, waiting for being crushed under a car , she slowly realizes that she's still she's standing on her two feet. Getting her senses back, she relaxed a bit, her breathing returning to normal. Steadily opening her eyes, she sees a tall, muscular guy with black hair perfectly styled and green eyes staring in her soul, she realizes that she clutching to that guy's shirt for a long time. Quickly letting go of it, she steps back a little, regaining her posture. 

(Bruh, I know you all expected Jackson! Sike!)

Jackson was not very far behind, he came bolting as fast as he could, only to freeze in his spot; The sight in front of him, Vienne in some guy's arms and not any guy, he looks like a pretty built up guy. A strong current of burning sensation ran through him. It was like someone hit him straight in the guts. However he took a note of your state, eyes shut, fists clutched on his shirt like your life depended on it and it actually did. It did help him calm down a little, at least you were safe. He started stepping towards you as you let go of his grip. 

When you were back in your body, you looked around looking for the very familiar brown eyes, and you get catch them, looking just straight at you with worry written all over it. Forgetting the guy who saved her life and was waiting for a response but her feet were leading to the boy who was already rushing over her.

Tears in her eyes she just sprung herself on him like that was the last thing she wanted to do. Jackson opened his arms wide and caught her delicate figure, keeping her close to him, spinning her around absorbing every inch of her as much as possible. Vienne too was lost in his embrace, her face hid in the crook of his neck, his scent helping her nerves relax and body ease down. They stayed there for a while, the street walkers smiling at their sight, assuming some love-sick teenagers reuniting after a long time. 

Feeling delighted a little, they pulled away, still looking at one another. Vienne's teared stained face had a more subtle expression now. Even though it was a near death experience for her, Jackson seem to have touched death too. He was not in the state to comprehend something now, all he could be is thankful for the situation to cool down. They were so in themselves that they forgot about the guy who actually was the one to be thanked. 

The mystery guy came to them instead, "Hey are you alright?" he asked. Jackson's ears ringed at the deep voice, Slowly turning towards it he saw who he did not expected to, or maybe not wanted to, Josh. "Ye-yeah. yeah, Thank you so much I- I can't tell how greatful-" Vienne began thanking him, but stopped when Jack pushed her behind him in a protective way. It was kinda hot but she was more confused than intimidated right now. "What are you doing here Josh?" Jack CALMLY asked. Vienne looked at him- He is josh?! 

"Nothing bro, was just going to get a coffee, I'm glad I was here though." He said the later looking at Vienne. Before she could say something, Jack spoke over her, "Well thank you very much Josh, but I think we're gonna get going, See you later." He held her hand and started walking with her. Throughout the way they only talked about random stuff, it was not awkward at all, more romantic infact. Walking side by side, hand in hand. It was peaceful. 


Jackson is Jeeaasslloouussssss....... This is gonna be fun. (Josh is good looking by the way)

Also, I am so sorry this chapter was small and kinda shitty, but to compensate, I have the next chapter, which his mostly based on text stories. Its kinda short too but I hope you like it.  

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