Chapter 10.

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[ A turn ]

(this above quote I swear is too perfect 😭)

Her foot rapidly tapped the ground with nails scratching her own palm, she stared at the ground trying to prepare herself for what's going to come. She was once again sitting on the exact place she was sitting in the morning, but now looking at the gradually crowding ground with teenage cheerleaders and soccer players along with some who's here to bunk classes. The constant thought of being humiliated again- in any way creeps into her mind, and being the overthinker she is, that particular possibility is freaking her out from inside.

She was about to get up and leave when a something, or maybe a certain someone caught her eye. She glanced at the direction and the sight made her feet glued to that place. It was the guy who was practically the reason she was here- Jackson, but a new Jackson, someone who she is now asking herself why didn't she see him like this before? He was dresses in his light blue and white striped soccer jersey with Spring Valley written in bold. His hair were messy as always but right now it made him look even hotter than before. Talking to a friend with his back slung loose on one shoulder, he also wears his signature smudgy smirk that Vienne has grown to adore. Overall, it seemed like there is nobody other than him in this world to look so damn fire and cute at the same time. 

Oblivious to the reddening of her cheeks and an involuntary smile, she was still watching his every step without any purpose. He just happened to look in front of him for a second but instantly took a double take as he recognized the familiar frame of Vienne. The small smirk on his face turned into a huge smile and his eyes locked with her. Excusing himself, he jogged towards her, feeling contented that she was really here and might overcome this fear she has. Vienne took a note of him coming towards her, and she went down as well with an equal expression. 

Stopping a little further away, they lower their pace and slowly walked towards each other not breaking eye contact, ignoring the faint whispers and weird stares around, they just came across each other, only a step apart, "Heyy.. you came" He said scratching his neck. "I had too, all thanks to you...And Sara of course. Also didn't expect to see ya here.." 

"Well I told you I'd be here..." his motions to his Jersey and her cheeks fluster again that also doesn't go unnoticed by him. Not being able to define it properly, he felt a little proud to see he's got some effect on her. "Um... you don't look- that bad I guess." she shyly admitted, fidgeting with the watch dial on her wrist. "Well coming from a girl who looks cute in just a normal sweater and a bun- this is a compliment for me." Her head shot up at his statement. The look in his eyes was so genuine and pure, not even a single hint of humor was visible and indeed he meant it. "Th-thankss" was all she could manage to get out.

Jackson was about to stark a conversation again when his coach whistled, signaling them on the field. With a upset smile at last he said, "So, I've gotta go but I know you'll kill it okay, whatever happenes, if I get off early, maybe I'll walk you home?" He nervously asked. Her face lightened up almost immediately and she nodded in agreement, "Yeah, yeah sure that works. I'll meet you by the gate if I get off early." Sighing in relief, she starts moving backwards giving her a thumbs up and mouthing all the best. God that boy was doing something to her.

As she saw him go to his team, there was a light tap on her shoulder by none other than the girl who called her here in the first place. "Jenna, hello.. um I am-" " Here for the Cheerleading spot? I know." The blonde girl cut her off, "Follow me." 

There were different spaces for all cheerleading practices, and since this routine was for the upcoming football match, they were not very far from the soccer fields. "Hello everyone, I see all of you are here for the selections and I Jenna along with Mrs. Matthews and Isabelle are going to be selecting 8 of you with 2 leading cheers; in total 10. Right now you'll be shown some steps to do, you follow them, show us in groups of 3 and you'll get your results by the end. Is it clear? Jenna instructed and all of us agreed. 

The steps weren't hard, for her at least. Although everything went smooth, both in her mind and her steps but after every pause anxiety did kick in. Maybe it was the song getting on to her, or maybe it was the fact she was easing up after a long time. Who knows. What she knew was, she was up next, along with 2 other girls, probably more experienced than her? Let's see. 

As her focus as only on the wooden floor in front of her, she didn't seem to notice someone outside the room, leaning up against the see through glass window in the room. Jackson was changed back to his normal clothes and was lucky he got off early, 1. He would get to walk home with her- spend more time and figure out what's the deal and 2. He would see the magic Sara always blabbers about; Now is the time he witnesses it with own eyes. It was her turn now. 

Coming up in the center, she was stretching her limbs to loosen all knots which Jackson did find attractive. All of these small things that she did were with such "Vienne texture" to it, made him want to look over more. She took her position, and the music starts inn.

[you're the center one Miss. :)]

When the act started, with each uprising beat, he had to take more support of his feet. He started loosing himself in. Her hand, her fingers, the grace in her moves and her unspoken expressions. All made firecrackers crake inside him. If he could, he could reverse time and play all of this again but in slow motion. The entire time his eyes never left her, like everything around turned black and white except her. It was like she was hypnotizing him and it was very well damn working. 

Towards the end of this, the whole room echoed with claps and hoots- It was flattering for her yes, but the moment she caught the hold of her breath, her eyes met with his amazed ones. She smiled and waved at him which wasn't responded too because he wasn't able to register in his mind what scene unfolded in front of him. Chuckling at his reaction, she took back her seat, where as out dude remained bewildered.

"That center girl was hot." A deep voice said which did catch his attention. Turning at he sound, his frown turned into a smile as he hugged his bestfriend. Josh. "You little shit where the hell were you at?" The guy hugged him back and replied patting his back, "Sorry bro, You know families but-" he pulled away, "But who's that beauty?" he pointed towards Vienne and Jack went still. He looked at her, who was right now talking to Jenna, how she had a small smile planted, how adorable she looked and then he glared at his childhood best friend, he felt a burning sensation within him. 

He didn't at all liked how Josh was looking at her like a candy at a store, he wanted him to treat her with respect, and not only him, many guys might look and think of her as Josh did. This thought made his jaw clench and nails digging its grip in his palms. He wanted to punch someone or something; to lend his unexplainable anger out somewhere. If it wasn't for his best friend, someone would be going home with a broken nose. 

"You ok bro?" Josh asked his fuming best friend, who obviously didn't show it. "Yeahhh just school and stuff you know, anyways why are you here?" "Oh I just came home and came near school for dad's some work, so I thought I'd see if you were here and I was right!" Jackson gritted his teeth and nodded, still the same thought roaming his head.

 "Anyways, I have to go, see you tomorrow in school and her too! bye!" Josh took his exit and Jackson finally took a deep breath. Calming himself down, he closed his eyes, paused and opened them again, feeling a little better. Turning back at the window, he sees Vienne's not there. Cursing under his breath, he stumbled back and bumped into a lighter figure than him, catching it in his arms, he right away noticed the touch and who it was, "You've got to stop bumping into me." She said, opening her eyes and spotting exactly who she was expecting. 

"Well then you have to start watching where you're going...." he said bringing them both back on their feet. "So, I saw you here, and You killed it." The look on her face was the definition was a blushing mess. He internally smiled at her state, while this time she wasn't hesitant to show it. This strange turn was new to them both, however this was one of those changes that we grow fond of. 


So... there was open flirting and blushing here and also the start of some drama? Or more romance? or Maybe both? 

Haha whatever it is- at the end it'll still be a #Jienne supremacy! (cringe ik but sorry)  

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