Chapter 13:

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Why does Alex have to like me? He's had many one night stands, and I've told him so many times that they could be more than that. But of course. He likes me.

I open my eyes and Scarlett hasn't moved. Her soft hand is caressing my arm and it's perfect. I have to tell her about Alex, I have to.

I sit up, pulling the blanket up that Scarlett must have laid over me.

'You okay sweetheart?' She brushes a few hairs away from my face. This is a whole different version of her from just about an hour ago.

'How long have I been sleeping?' I ask, rubbing my eye. Smudging the already run makeup further down my face. Scarlett smirks a little.

'Almost an hour, you should rest more. Especially after your journey home' She says, I know what she really means.

'No, no I'm all good...I have something I need to tell you' I start 'Well it's not like you need to know but I feel that it's best that you do because-' I start rambling before Scarlett cuts me off, placing her hand over my mouth. After what we just did too, how do I even say it...

'Shhh, just tell me' She gently says. I nod and she takes her hand away from my mouth.

'Well I just recently, well a few hours ago actually, found out that Alex likes me, and not just likes me likes me likes me' I cringe. I don't wike it.

Scarlett keeps her gaze on me, squints slightly and nods 'really?' She asks.

'Yes...' I respond. Unsure on what to say. I mean me and her aren't official or anything, I don't even know what we are! And it's not even like I like him back, he's like my brother...even if I did look at him a little differently yesterday. But that was because of Scarlett so don't try and make this weird.

'I have noticed he's been quite distant from you recently in lectures' She adjusts her sitting position and looks around the room. I don't think he's been distant with me....has he?

'You have?' I lean toward her more awaiting her response, if she can notice it I must be blind. She kind of shakes her head and then stares directly at me.

'Do you like him?' She asks bluntly.

'Oh God no. He's like my brother, that's what has me so confused about everything. I thought he saw me as a sister but I don't know...I need to talk to him about it though' I turn my body and place my feet on the cold floor it felt amazing. I push myself up and take a step toward my clothes, but my legs give out and I fall forward onto the ground. Mortified.

I hear a giggle come from Scarlett and I turn looking back at the bed. She crawls over to the edge and smiles brightly 'told you, you need rest' She winks and gets off the bed. I close my eyes and let out an exhale of amusement. Oh but she doesn't help me up noooo she walks right past me.

Oh you bitch. I'll get you back for this.

She walks out of the room and I begin to force myself up. The cold floor really did feel good if I'm honest. I manage to pull myself up onto the bed again and sit there staring at my clothes. New mission- Collect clothes.

However, as I begin to carry out my plan to collect my clothes, Scarlett walks back in fully dressed and holding some of her clothes.

Shit, now another set I have to clean and bring back.

'No, no. My clothes are right there I'll change into them' I point to the pile on a leather chair whilst looking at Scarlett. She takes none of it.

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