Chapter 18:

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{Severely unedited}

'Alex..what are you doing here?' I tug my cardi around my body and firmly grasp my smoothie. He treads toward me slowly, like a predator stalking it's prey.

'I could ask you the same thing doll' He follows. This isn't the Alex I know.

'It's my apartment Alex. Please leave' I point to the door however my face cringes afraid at what he will do.

'Just give me time to explain myself' He now walks toward me faster and pulls down my hand.

Okay...just to keep him talking.

I sigh and he looks down to me with hopeful eyes. I don't know how to take this right now.

'Y/n, I'm sorry for everything. My behaviour, my actions toward you...It's my dad...he's sick and I took it out on you-' He holds my hands and I stare into his now ready eyes.


'Wait..when did you find out?' My eyes shoot around the room trying to contemplate the information I've just been told.

'On our trip home...' He sits on the sofa and puts his head in his hands.

So many thoughts are running through my mind 'Wait-if he's ill you should stay with him' I look back at him.

He sits up 'You were so upset when I got back I wanted to get you out of there and home'

I took him away from his father...fuck what is wrong with me? He's hurting and I'm making it worse.

I sit next to him and place my hand on his knee 'I'm so sorry for lashing out on you the way I did yesterday. I didn't know how much you were hurting'

A few tears roll down Alex's face and I pull him into a hug, he holds me close to him and I can't help but feel extreme shame and guilt for my behaviour. I'll be better. For him.

'Finding out about him kind of put everything into perspective, I'd been planning on telling you my feelings for a while but never had the guts to, but when he told me it made me realise how life is too short' He separates from the hug and holds my arms. I'm conflicted. I don't like him. I love Scarlett. But I can't tell him that I don't for crying out loud he's just found out that his father is sick.

'I'm sure the hospitals will support him in his recovery and make sure he gets better' I nod my head trying to reassure him but he sighs.

'It's terminal Y/n.' My heart drops. Me and Robert haven't spoken in a good while but we've always aged a great relationship. Now to find out that Alex is losing him, I need to be here for him.

'So go and stay with him, make memories with him with the little time he has left' I plead to him. But Alex shakes his head frustratingly.

'He doesn't want me to give up college for him, I'm following his wishes' He shuffles away so he's now facing front and centre.

'....okay' I rub his back up and down comfortingly. 'Did you sleep here?' I ask.

'Well, I didn't mean to' He chuckles. There he is. The Alex I know.

'It's lucky you did because you don't have a k-' I'm cut off by my phone ringing and I have a look. It's Scarlett 'Sorry, I just need to take this' I stand and walk to my room, closing the door behind me. Answering the call I start 'hey, what's up?'

'Where are you right now?' She asks almost worriedly.

'In my apartment-' I stop as I realise the only reason I'm living with Scarlett is to hide from Alex...but I don't need to now.

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