Chapter Four

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I can’t move my eyes away from his, no matter how hard I seriously want to. I just can’t. It’s like they have held me captive. I try and read them, but I’m getting nothing. At this moment in time, his eyes show absolutely nothing and I don’t like it especially because his whole handsome face is blank too. His brown hair is wet and slicked back and his glasses are still sitting on his nose. I snap myself out of my little trance as much as I can. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

He blinks and shakes his head a little as if he was shaking away some thoughts. A small, tiny, millimeter smile appears on his face. “I’m fine, thank you Miss Sorenson.” My mouth drops open at the use of my surname. And it sounds so formal...

“Mr. Blackbourne.” I whisper out loud.

An eyebrow goes up. “You’ve heard of me then.” I nod my head, blushing a little. “Very well. Should we get out so I could introduce myself properly?” I nod my head and swim over the wall, Mr. Blackbourne beside me. We both climb out and I turn my attention back to him. I gasp a little when I see that he’s wearing a suit, a very expensive looking suit may I add. “Don’t worry about the suit, Miss Sorenson.” He holds his hand out to me. “Owen Blackbourne.”

I look down at his hand for a moment, noting his perfectly manicured nails. I look back up into his steel grey eyes, trying once again to read them but again, nothing. Slowly I place my hand in his. He grips my hand firmly in his. “Sang Sorenson, but you seem to already know that.” I didn’t mean to use sarcasm, I really didn’t.

He raises an eyebrow, nodding his head slowly. I’m sure I spot a glitter of amusement within his eyes but I’m not sure because as soon as I spot it, it’s gone. “Yes, I do know that.” His eyes hold mine once more and I almost regret looking into them but I just can’t because they are so beautiful, fitting in perfectly with his handsome face.

How long we stand there like that for I don’t know but two bodies coming to stand either side of mine snap me out of it and I snatch my hand away from his. I turn and look at Luke and Gabriel only to find them frowning at Mr. Blackbourne.

Luke seems to force a smile. “You took your sweet ass time getting here.” He laughs, but it’s forced. Luke looks down at me for a moment and I’m sure I see a spark of jealousy cross his face but once again, it’s gone.

Deciding that I need to get away for a moment so they can talk I say. “Um..Excuse me a moment.” I feel their eyes on me as I walk away and over to the lounge chair, picking up my towel and wrapping it around me before going into the house, closing the sliding door behind me. I hear the others talking and laughing in the kitchen but walk straight by it and down the hall to Nathan’s bedroom. Without knocking I open the door only to shriek and cover my eyes with my hand. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry.”

A deep chuckle rings through the room causing me to shiver slightly. Why are these boys affecting me like this? “No worries Miss Sang.” I hear shuffling. I know I should turn around and close the door but I seem frozen in place, clutching my towel around my body with my hand over my eyes. “I’m decent now so you can drop your hand.”

Hesitantly, I drop my hand. I can’t help it, I check him out, not in a way where you think someone is good looking, more to check to make sure that his bare backside is covered which it is by a pair of purple swimming trunks. However, it doesn’t go by me that he does indeed have a very toned body like the rest of the boys. When he chuckles again, I snap my eyes up to his amused green ones, taking in the soft blonde hair and handsome facial features. I blush when I realize that he just caught me basically checking him out in both ways of making sure he has on clothes and because he has a nice body. Actually, a blush doesn’t quiet cover it. My face might as well be as bright and glowing as Rudolph’s nose. “You know who I am.” I point out, remembering he called me ‘Miss Sang’.

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