Chapter Fourteen

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My ears ring with the gun shot as I stay still on the floor, staring at where my father lays clutching his thigh while groaning and gritting his teeth in pain.

“Holy shit, you shot him.” Gabriel says to the woman, his mouth hanging open.

The women lowers the gun and looks to Melody, not replying to Gabriel. “Are you okay baby girl?”

Melody nods her head and goes over to the woman. They both wrap their arms around each other in a hug. “I’m fine Aunt Hayley. What are you doing here? I told you not to come.”

Hayley. Hayley. Hayley. The name rings in my ears. This is my mother’s sister. My Aunt. She looks over at me. “I had to see for myself. I think I’ve waited long enough to see her again.” Melody follows her line of sight and smiles at me before releasing her Aunt. Hayley slowly comes over in my direction.

Silas beats her over and helps me to my feet and I lean my body into his, needing some support. “I’ve got you Aggele.” He whispers in my ear which I nod to.

“You're just as beautiful as your sister.” Hayley says, stopping in front of me. “Both of you are just as beautiful as your mother.”

I have no idea what to say. Thank you would probably be a good start but I don’t even know what my mother looks like. I’m gathering a lot like me, Melody and Hayley, but it just doesn’t seem real enough at the moment. I simply stare at Hayley, lost for words.

“You shot him.” Marie says. “Wow.”

“He deserved it.” Hayley says, looking at Marie. She smiles at her. “You must Michelle’s daughter. Michelle used to be a close friend of mine until she got sucked in by your father.”

“Huh.” Marie shrugs. “Never knew my Mom would be one to have a man control her.”

“Neither did I until she fell in love with that dirt bag.” Hayley shakes her head, looking down at Phillip Sorenson. “You have ruined one too many lives, Phil.”

“Shut up Hayley. Your voice was annoying twenty six years ago, it’s annoying now.” My father spits. He pushes himself up and onto his feet. He walks out the room and for a moment, we just stare at where he left thinking that he left the house however, a few moments later he returns with a small stack of papers. He sits down on the sofa, removing a pen from the jacket of his black suit. He starts scribbling stuff across them. We simply watch. When he’s done, he looks up and meets my eyes. “I don’t want any more shit. I just signed the house over to you.”

My mouth drops open. “Just like that?” I ask.

“It was supposed to go to Marie but I know Michelle won’t let her have it so it’s yours. I want nothing more to do with you.”

Mr. Blackbourne approaches him and takes the papers. After standing there for a moment, looking through them, his grey eyes meet mine. “It’s yours.” He turns his eyes to my father. “You're forgetting something very important though Mr. Sorenson.”

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