Chapter Ten

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Mr. Blackbourne

I watch the bathroom door close after Miss. Sorenson and then head out of Victor’s bedroom. That girl, she’s getting to me. Every time I’m around her now I find myself looking into her eyes, hoping that they tell me everything I need to know. Somehow, so quickly, she has become so special to us all.

I close the door to Victor’s bedroom and go straight into what he calls his office. Victor is sitting at the dragon desk, clicking away at the mouse and typing on the keyboard. His eyes are fixed on the screen, doing what he does best. I go over to the table and get a chair before going to sit beside him. He doesn’t even flinch at my approach which tells me he’s aware I’m close. “Anything, Mr. Morgan?”

He moves his gaze away from the computer screen and to a small stack of papers. “That is everything I can find on Mr. Sorenson. I’m doing Mrs. Sorenson now and then I’ll be doing Marie.”

“I want everything done on Marie please.” He nods his head before turning back to the computer screen. I pick up the file on Mr. Sorenson.

Mr. Phillip Sorenson

42 years old

Married – Mrs. Michelle Sorenson

Children – Marie Sorenson (19)

I can’t help the frown that comes upon my face when I don’t see Sang listed as a child in his records. “Victor, can you do a search on Sang for me please.”

Victor freezes, tensing up beside me. I look over at him, raising an eyebrow. He looks over at me, his brown eyes worried. “Please, don’t be mad at me, Mr. Blackbourne.” I narrow my eyes slightly, keeping my face clear of emotion. I nod my head for him to continue. After inhaling and exhaling a few deep breaths he says, “I did a search on Sang a few months ago, before we returned here. Just out of curiosity, I did a check on Sang.” He starts fiddling with the medallion around his neck. “She doesn’t exist.”

“Explain.” Is all I’m able to choke out.

“When I did the search, it was when Corey visited for that one weekend. When Corey and I were working on the computers, I did a search on her and nothing came up. I spoke to Corey about it and he dug deeper, as deep as he could go.” He shakes his head. “There is absolutely nothing on Sang, Mr. Blackbourne. No birth certificate, no doctors records and the same goes for school. The only records I could bring up were her school ones from Ashley Waters, but I checked again a couple of weeks ago and now they are coming up clean.”

“She’s a ghost.” I whisper, closing my eyes and bringing my face down into my hands, dropping the file on Mr. Sorenson down onto the desk.

“Yeah she is.” Victor says even though he didn’t even need to.

So many thoughts run through my head but none of it is making much sense. My head is actually spinning. This can be a good thing and a bad thing for us. It can be a huge

thing for the academy. I run my fingers through my hair, frustrated that I can’t make sense of anything at the moment. I’m going to need to sit down so I can think clearly, away from everyone, especially the beautiful green eyed beauty in the room across the hall.

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