Chapter Seven

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“But, you have to give me time and you have to trust me so I can also trust you.” I say, standing confidently up in front of all the boys, their eyes glued to me. “I’m not expecting for you all too just blurt out all your secrets, because I won’t just blurt out mine. I’m also starting to understand that this...Academy is a huge part of who you are.”

“What are you saying Miss Sorenson?”

I can’t help but roll my eyes at Owen Blackbourne's formal ways. Truth is, I’m not sure what I’m saying. I’m not in love with them, that’s impossible after just a day, but I know that they can’t walk out of my life and away from me now I have met them, it’ll hurt way too much. For some reason, when I’m around them, I don’t feel like the little, quiet shy girl. I feel confident, safe, and happy and I have never felt those things before.

“I’m saying that if you all want to too, I’ll try.” I suck in a breath, meeting their eyes. “I’m going to take a chance.”


Dakota Lee:

“I’m going to take a chance.” She says, her hands laced together, rubbing nervously against one another. “Already the thought of losing any of you causes this horrible ache in my chest. For some reason I can’t explain yet, I’m already attached.” She looks down at the ground and my heart soars. She’s already feeling something for us.

I look around at my brothers, waiting for a reaction from what Mr. B had said and what Sang had just said but nothing. We’re all aware on what Mr. Blackbourne was suggesting, having the same relationship with Sang the way Kayli does with Axel’s team. We all know that it can be successful as we have witnessed it ourselves through Mr. Anderson, the few times we have crossed paths when he’s with his own brothers and wife that they all share.

Is this what Sang’s suggesting? I know she’s seen the way Kayli interacts with Axel and the others. I mean, they don’t hide it or anything because they love her just as much as she loves them. It’s obvious and they have no care in the world on what others think.

Moving my mind away from my thoughts, I focus on the beautiful girl standing in front of us with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks. I think that’s because we haven’t said anything but I’m not sure. Getting to my feet causes her to look towards me, her eyes hopeful. My heart swells. “Maybe now’s a good time to start getting to know one another then.”

She smiles, a smile that could light up Las Vegas. “Yeah, that would great.”



No sooner had I given Kota my reply, the others move into action of moving around the living room of Nathan’s house, pushing back sofas and chairs, moving the coffee table away from the middle of the room. I stand there, motionless, just watching with a small smile on my lips.

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