Character description

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Full name: Elizabeth Annabelle Pritchett

Nicknames: Lizzy, Liz

Hair colour: Light brown

Eye colour: light brown

Ages: 11-21(season 1 to 12)

Birthday: 8 April 1999

Family: Jay Pritchett(Father)
               Gloria Pritchett(stepmom)
               Manny Delgado(stepbrother)
               Joe Pritchett (younger halfbrother)
               Claire Dunphy(older half-sister)
              Phil Dunphy(brother in law)
              Haley Dunphy(Niece)
              Alex Dunphy(Niece)
              Luke Dunphy(Nephew)
              Mitchell Pritchett(older half-brother)
              Cameron Tucker(brother in law)
               Lily Tucker-Pritchett(niece)

Hobbies: Playing sports, listening to music, reading.

Bio: Lizzy was raised solely by Jay after her mother died, the closest thing to a mother figure she had was her older half-sister Claire until Jay met Gloria and she handled all the motherly tasks that came to raising Lizzy. Lizzy was really into sports from a young age and when she becomes great at any sport she does, her favourite sport is Soccer and wants to be a Professional Soccer player, her biggest dream is to become the next Alex Morgan and win the World Cup.

Face Claim: Emma Watson

A/n: here is Elizabeth Pritchett Description and Bio. I hope you guys will enjoy this story. I really want to hear your guys thoughts

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