En Garde

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Lizzy pov

We were at a competition for Manny's new interest, fencing. Earlier in the week, he ask me to help him train and now he is dominating it, beating all his opponents.

We cheered as Manny scored another point, I was sitting between mom and dad as we cheered as Manny kept scoring more points, I think we found a sport Manny is actually better than me at,  Dad kept on hitting Phil as he cheered "that's my boy." Dad says as Manny scored again, mom and Claire both stood and mom hugged Claire in celebration "you know I used to go to the houses of my friends, I'd see their kids trophies, and it used to bug me you know because there was never a trophy in my house, not until Lizzy be great a sports and bringing home her baseball trophy and now also this one." Dad says giving praise to me and Manny, last year I played baseball, still do and I won the league and bought home a trophy "I know you are not supposed to care but it's great to have kids in your house whos the best at something, you know what I mean?" Dad says, I like this praise.

After the final round, Manny wins and the announcer says he moves on to the championship and will be competing against a girl named Caroline Markum. Manny runs over and we started to congratulate him "well done Manny, we might have found a sport you could beat me at." I said and gave him a hug well done, I then moved to the side and texted Chloe, I invited her to come but she was sick and could not come. As we were about to leave Phil came to me and asked me to come over to the house later to help him with something sport-related.

It was now later and I was waiting outside because I wanted to be dramatic and then I heard Phil say something "and who better to help him than the best person in sports in the family" Phil says as he opened the door "It's me" I said doing Jazz hands. We went outside and to the driveway to practice while Phil was inspiring Luke, I got in position as Luke got ready to throw the ball. On the first attempt, he threw over me, the second attempt, again over me, and again and again, he kept missing, throwing it into the bushes, over me, on the roof, stuck under the car and it was only the first hour of the allegedly 10000, "this is why I pitch and batter first." I say.

Phil had an open house and I wanted to go home to change before the championship so they dropped me off on the way and I went inside "I'm home, cool shirts." I said as I walked in to see dad wearing a shirt for Manny (A/n: I can't think of a pun for Elizabeth or Lizzy, so if you guys think of one, comment it and I will edit it in) and dad gave me one. We left for the championship and we got our seats and mom and dad and I were giving him a pep talk, we were joined by a woman who arrived with Caroline and we assumed she was her mother but it turns out her parents passed away and the woman was Caroline's nurse at the children hospital and we were now feeling awful and the final blow arrived when we saw a bunch of patients and nurses arrived "oh my god, we have to stop him." Mom says and I was going to talk to him but the contest started and I just covered my eyes as Manny was destroying Caroline. After the contest, we left the gymnasium, we walked to see Claire and Mitchell doing a dance.

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