It all started on a recon mission. Something simple—A Hydra base in Sokovia.
So simple, that everyone thought that they would return to eat in some restaurant like they did three or so years ago.
But instead, they ended up fighting one of the largest Hydra armies any of them had ever seen.
"It seems to me that finally, Fury gave us something worthwhile since the Battle of New York. I thought this would be a piece of cake, but it looks like weve got our work cut out of us, so be prepared, Tony yelled into the communicator.
"And I think that we can confirm that this is probably one of their horrifying secret bases in which they do inhumane experiments," Clint confirmed, looking around with a touch of heaviness in his voice.
Thor sighed, copying Clints movements by observing the environment around him.
"Lady Natasha, I think you should infiltrate along with Lord Clint and Captain Rogers. We can distract anyone who may be in your path," Thor said, his voice booming with fake confidence.
Clint, Natasha and Steve went inside the base with their respective combat suits full of loaded weapons, except for the latter, who only carried his shield. Upon entering, they divided into two groups; Natasha and Steve ran directly to the area that was farther away, while Clint remained on guard, watching their backs.
Despite the nervous energy in the air, Natasha and Steve managed to keep their conversation light—it was one of the many coping mechanisms the tow of them had for tough missions.
"Hey Cap, Natasha whispered though her coms piece, when we get out of here, you have to buy me a coffee.
Why the hell would I do that? Steve answered, a hint of amusement in his voice. He had no problem taking her out, in fact, it was one of his favourite things to do. But this wasnt the place nor time to bring that up.
Clint knows about us," Natasha laughed.
"Well Nat, he is your best friend. I didnt want to admit it, but I know he would find out sooner or later. Steve said, laughing at his own comment.
It was true. Nothing from Nat could get past Clint, despite the fact she was a trained spy. They were best friends, family even. Both Nat and Steve had wanted to keep their relationship a secret, but they both knew that if anyone would find out, it would be Clint. They both hoped he could keep it this way though, with only Clint knowing. The two of them did not want to confuse work and personal life any more than it already had been.
Just as Nat and Steve were going to enter the experimental section of the base, they received a message from Clint.
"Guys, I found out what this base is, and its not pretty. Banner told us that it is a Baron Strucker base, and the worst part is that it is centered on human experimentation. So plan for the worst."
Clints words filled the air as they looked at each other. Steve let out a sigh while Natasha remained chillingly still.
A few seconds later, they entered the room, and what they saw left them petrified. Steve immediately closed his eyes tightly and took a long, sharp, intake of breath. Nat stood still with a panicked expression on her face.
The corridor was black and gloomy, with traces of blood on the floor and some parts of the walls and ceilings peeling and dripping. But the corridor was nothing compared to the horrible cells. In each one, they housed corpses. Human corpses, all in different states of decomposition.
The worst part of all was that these werent the corpses of adults, but children.
Forcibly pushing all their anger and sadness deep down into the back of their brains—something that they were used to doing, Natasha and Steve walked down the hall. They tried to keep their eyes straight, but it was nearly impossible. They noted torture devices, some Nat recognised with remorse, some she had never seen before. Regardless, it was like a train wreck. They wanted to loom away, but they just couldnt.
When they got almost to the end of the corridor, they heard a slight sob. Slowly approaching, they found a cell more terrifying than the others. Tons of bodies were piled up on top of each other, the strong, unpleasant scent filling the room. But behind them appeared a little boy with blue eyes similar to those of the Steve, platinum hair and several badly tended bandages with a battered face full of wounds. In short, despite being clearly alive, he just looked like another corpse.
But the strangest thing about the whole situation was that the boy was no more than nine years old. He was moving so fast that all they saw was a ray of blue light where he passed. Natasha and Steve were so amazed and at the same time so terrified of the scene before them, that they did not realize that they lowered their guard. Then of course, a few seconds later the boy stopped a mere metre away from the from Natasha, threatening them with all the weapons they had once had.
"Who are you, and what do you want?" Said the little boy suddenly, with a fierce and powerful accent.
The two of them stopped to examine him for a second, their eyes scanning him up and down while they had the chance before he moved again. Natasha was the first to speak up.
Hey there. Dont worry, She consoled the best she could, although she didnt feel like she was the best at it. She had no experience with children whatsoever.
We came to help you; we don't want to hurt you.
The boy looked at her with eyes full of distrust and at the same time an almost inhuman courage, but behind his child-like façade, he was protective of something. No, of someone. Like a lion protects its cub.
Steve was the next to speak.
"Easy there, buddy. We came because we want to help you, little one. But I need you trust us, even just a little bit. Is that okay?" Steve said, his voice soft.
He opened his mouth to continue, but the little boy interrupted him.
"And why should I believe you? Because the last time I trusted someone we ended up in this place." He said without realizing that he accidentally slipped up.
"Please, Natasha pleaded, mimicking Steves soft voice. I promise you that we don't want to hurt you, but I need you to tell me three things, okay
The boy nodded, although unconvinced, but Natasha continued.
"What's your name, how old are you, and what do you mean when you said we?
The boy doubted for a few seconds, unsure of whether to tell them the truth. He decided to, nodding before answering.
"My name is Pietro Maximoff. I am 7 years old, and I was referring to my twin sister Wanda.
It was a while before any of them spoke. Natasha and Steve were both in complete shock.
"Where is your sister, Pietro?" Steve said in a soft but firm voice.
Before he could answer, a little girl came out of the back of the cell.
To be continued...

Thank You for the Rescue- English Translation
FanfictionIn a simple recon mission, things get out of hand and the Avengers end up with two little surprises.