Chapter 8: A Moment to Think

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Narrator POV

Nat finally made it to Steve's room, and before knocking on the door, she muttered word of wisdom to herself.

"Calm down Nat, just take a deep breath to avoid a fit of anger.

She took a long, deep breath, filling her lungs with oxygen and releasing the air with an irritated sigh. After a couple more breaths she clenches her fist and gently knocks on the door.

She stood there for a couple of seconds before the door finally opened. Steve, on the other hand, looked energetic and spirited. Nat almost felt guilty she came bearing angry news.

She was taken out of her thoughts when the Captain greeted her warmly.

Hello. Nat, what are you doing here? I thought you were taking care of the little witch?

The use of the word witch to refer to Wanda made Natashas blood boil once more, but to contain all her anger she reminded herself that Steve used the nickname in an affectionate way and not to insult her, unlike Tony and Bruce.

The couple remained in an awkward silence until the Widow decided to speak.

"Well Steve, you're right. Youre actually right, for once.

He raised his eyebrows, but nonetheless, let her continue.

I should be taking care of Wanda, but guess who decided to behave like heartless idiots?"

Steve was completely surprised at the annoying tone of his girlfriend, as his eyebrows never lowered.

Taking him by even more surprise, Nat let out one of many frustrated tears. Steve's mind goes blank for a few seconds before finally picking up Nat and carrying her into the room closing the door behind him.

His girlfriend's voice interrupted his thoughts.

To keep it short, Wanda told me that she heard the idiots Stark and Banner refer to her as a witch and a monster, and that they already chose a house for the twins far away from here. Natasha said, letting out a second tear as she closed her eyes for a moment before continuing.

They believe that she is a threat, and I think the reason is the impressive amount of power she displayed against the Hydra soldiers and how she accidentally read my mind, but I don't blame her. I need you to help me defend her Steve, I don't want them to take her away, I know I can take care of both of them.

Steve felt his heart drop. He very rarely saw his girlfriend cry, which meant the issues they were dealing with were significantly important to her, and just as much to him. He sighed a shaky breath and hugged Natasha tighter in an attempt to show his support.

Steve POV

I never believed that at some point I would see Nat cry in this way and especially for someone, but I understand her. She is very fond of the twins, and it will hurt a lot if they take them away, but I never believed that that affect Nat this much.

Although I have the slight suspicion that not everything is due to her anger and sadness with the situation of the move and the idiocy of Bruce and Tony, I think she is also confused about her feelings and that she is realizing its hard work and a lot of confusion to feel maternal love. I mean, I was already aware that she cannot have children and although if I want to have them, I never considered them relevant in our relationship or in my life, that until Wanda called me dad in the middle of a panic attack while Nat was not present.

As soon as the word came out of her mouth, I froze and I must admit that I want to hear her say it over and over again, but I can't imagine how frustrated Nat is knowing that her chance to have kids, which she always wanted, had been snatched away from her.

Just like Natasha, I will not allow Tony and Bruce to take her, and although it bothers me a lot, the attitude of those two are right. Wanda can be dangerous. But by God, its just a seven-year-old girl. With a little guidance, we can help her and give her the home she lost so many years ago.

After a few minutes, they managed to compose themselves to face the two renegade Avengers.

"Nat, I know how you feel and I swear to you that I will not let them take Wanda from our side, but you have to stay calm, okay? No runaway emotions, even though its hard." Steve said softly.

Nat, now with clear eyes, nodded and got up from the bed going to the door.

Well Steve, She gestured to the door, we have a little one to defend."

With a slightly annoyed smile he crossed the room to the door following Nat in the direction of the lab. Both of them freed from sadness, and with a clearer mind, they knew it was less likely to have an aggressive altercation. But how wrong they were.

To be continued...

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