Chapter 7: The Monster

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A couple of weeks passed since the twins were saved from Hydra's clutches. Wanda finally left the medical wing a week ago, but not before doing multiple blood tests. (which were much more time consuming and complicated due to Wanda's fear of needles)

Doctor Cho prescribed vitamins, food supplements, and iron tablets for malnutrition and Anemia, and Wanda was starting to look better. Her skin was less of a pale, grayish hue, and her spirits were increasing, and it made Natasha proud that her confidence and trust in her was increasing every single day. They had even started to have an established routine. Natasha got up every day to prepare breakfast at 6:30 in the morning while Wanda was still sleeping. She tried her best to give Wanda a variety, but because of years of malnutrition, light things seemed to agree with her; cereal or eggs with orange juice or milk.

Natashas point of view

Something that I have discovered about Wanda is that she always wakes up at 7 o'clock. It confuses me, but without failure, for two weeks straight she woke up at exactly this time. I havent figured out the reason for her strange habit, but since Im taking small steps with her, Ive refrained from asking her about it just yet.

The rest of the day usually continues by with a blissful calmness. Usually, Wanda stays in her bed playing with the loads of stuffed animals Pepper had purchased for her, or she enjoys floating objects around the room, as long as they arent cubes. I had to learn that the hard way when I offered her building blocks to float. I suspect that her fear of cubes is due to a bad experience. There are also times when we go out of the compound to the nearby forest to exercise and improve her muscle mass. It makes me grateful that she is still small, because Doctor Cho says that increases the chances that she will recover and have a normal life.

But like with all good things, there are some negatives. In the past two weeks, almost every morning Wanda wakes up in the dark hours of the morning screaming and crying; It breaks my heart every time I hear it. Not only do maternal instincts kick in, but most of the time the screams trigger an awakening panic inside me, to the point where its difficult to calm both myself and Wanda down. The first time it happened, Steve came barging in at two am to ease our minds.

We also have news about Pietro—the child has not woken up yet, and although I try to distract Wanda so that she doesnt think about her brother, its complicated and if Im honest, I am also saddened by the child's situation.

Clint hasnt even left his side, not even to sleep. Hes so exhausted that one day I found him sleepwalking near the bathroom, so I called Laura to ask for more support. Honestly, she seems to be taking a liking to Wanda, and Wanda, her. Wanda seems to be taking a liking to most of the Avengers, all except Tony and Bruce who still seem to approach her with caution.

Wanda sure does love Steve though, and seems to feel very comfortable around him. Just today Steve confessed to me that Wanda accidentally called him Papa during a panic attack episode while I went to look for snacks at the store. At first I was confused, and then I understood that she probably did not mean. But Steve's hopeful face made my heart stop and break at the same time. He knows that if he ever stays with me, we can never have biological children. The Red Room took away the opportunity to have them and that frustrates me.

There is also an idea floating around that Wanda has to go to a safe house and I will never be able to see her again. Just like that, the fierce protection I feel towards the twins will be taken away.

Tony told me that according to Dr. Cho, Pietro is going to wake up in a couple of days. When the boy wakes up, we will be able to consider better housing options for the twins.

I find myself here with Wanda in my room (which became our room and, that strangely doesn't bother me) watching a children's series called the Backyardigans and fresh out of the bathroom. It seems alarming to me that Wanda has been in a sedentary position since the episode started, not paying attention to the colourful screen at all. I don't know what's going through her young mind.

After two episodes of her just staring, I decided to question her.

"Hey Milaya, what are you thinking about? You look worried.

The little girl looks up for a few seconds, only to lower her head again, remaining in an uncomfortable silence. She continues like this for a few minutes before I hear a slight whisper leave from her lips.

"Tasha, why are you taking care of me?"

I stayed silent for a few seconds, my brain lacking the quickness it usually has to process surprising sentences.

"Why am I taking care of you? Wellbecausebecause you are too young to do it by yourself. Thats why. And, My mind stopped for a moment before continuing. Well, I love you, milaya.

It slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it. The emotionless, fearless, Natasha Romanoff. Showing, well, emotions.

Wanda looked at me confused and swallowed harshly.

I-I don't understand why you say you love me .

Her little voice came out trembling and her words pierced me like a dagger straight to the heart. Millions of questions forming in my mind which runs at a thousand kilometres an hour.

I opened my mouth to quickly apologise, which felt weird considering she was just a child, but before answering she interrupted me.

"I mean, I don't understand how you can care for or love a monster. A-A witch like me." She spat the words with hatred but even in that state of anger, her eyes are watery, threatening to spill.

Now I'm really curious to know where she got those ideas from; so twisted to throw her out of control to an emotional collapse like this.

I can't find the words to answer, so instead I reply with a question.

"Why do you say those things Wanda? I hope you didnt get those awful ideas from me,

Total silence, and at this point, I'm worried about how much of these thoughts of hers are my fault,

No, She finally replies, I heard Mr. Stark and Doctor Banner talking in the laboratory. Talking about the perfect house to send me and Pietro, according to them it is perfect and far enough so that the threat of the witch doesnt linger. After that they called me all sorts of awful things. They said I was a monster and a danger, that's why I want to know why you try to take care of me. Wanda finally finishes, lowering her head.

My world stopped for a moment. Had they really said those things about the little girl? I'm extremely mad at that asshole Stark and his dog Bruce, and on top of everything, just to make it worse, they chose the safe house for the twins without me. We're going to have a very serious talk right now.

But with higher priority, I quickly approach Wanda, taking her by the shoulder and with a quick movement of my arm I hugged her tightly against my chest. I know that this moment will probably not change the way she thinks I see her, but its a start at least.

She finally fell asleep with her head resting on my chest, and when I was sure, I successfully wormed my way out of bed, heading to Steve's room.

I can't wait to see how angry he gets when I tell him what Wanda said. Just as I will, hell defend our little girl with claws and teeth.

To be continued...

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