Chapter 12- New Mission Soldier

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In the lands on the outskirts of Sokovia, a filthy soldier sat waiting patiently outside a dark and gloomy office. He sat there, lost in his won mind with a cold look on his face and his lips taut in a straight line.

Suddenly, the squeak of three chairs was heard inside the office, and seconds later the door was opened revealing three men in suits, whom which he recognized immediately. One was Baron Vonn Strucker, who was believed dead, and the others were Doctor Kortells; who was in charge of making the improvements in the twin’s powers, and Alexander Lukin; who despite Steve Rogers' best efforts, still controlled the Winter Soldier.

"солдат, accompany General Lukin for further orders," said the Baron in a rather relaxed voice. He was in charge of the mission to retrieve the miracles of Hydra.

The soldier obediently walked behind Lukin, following him through a dirty corridor in the direction of the weapons room. Upon arrival, Lukin put his elegant briefcase on a desk.

“Soldier we have information on the possibility of the twins being transported to Scotland in a small convoy of two armored vans together with an approximate of eight SHIELD agents. They are also supervised via satellite. Your mission is to break into their mobilization and kidnap the twins, in case of complications You should take priority on the girl. Is that understood?”

The soldier just nodded.
The next few days passed in the monotony of their usual routine; eat, train, plan, train, sleep and repeat. During the planning he was making preparations to make the ambush without problems and preparing a safe house far from the main Hydra base to avoid being tracked. They also appointed him a partner who would keep him informed at all times, Avril Kotzakoba, a high-ranking Hydra agent with great authority.

The day before his mission, he was transported by jet to a road in the middle of the forest on the outskirts of Scotland. Unfortunately, he was a bit sore, as to avoid any emotional trigger when he saw the children he once tried to protect, he had another invasive intervention to keep them like a dog on a leash and collar.

He got ready in the safe house and prepared all his weapons along with a final review of his perfect plan. Now he only had to wait for the Convoy.

Avengers tower, Natasha’s POV

I honestly did not believe that this moment would come. The small illusion, the tiny glimmer of light of having a small family disappeared as soon as it arrived. I am in a hurricane of emotions right now; very upset with Tony for being so selfish, sad for the terrible panorama that surrounds us and suffocates me, and at the same time very afraid for the near future. I know that perhaps people believe that I am cold and that I deserve this, and perhaps I do deserve it, but my mistakes have nothing to do with those children, for a moment I hoped that they would allow me to be happy. Poor Steve, I can't imagine how he must be now.

In less than half an hour the twins leave and I don't know if I can be strong enough to bear watching their departure. I feel that they too became fond of us, and with situations like these there are times when I wonder why fear and selfishness ruin such good things.

I will not stop fighting for them and looking for a way to recover them, and if necessary I will fight with tooth and nail against whoever stands in my way, regardless of whether they are Avengers or the law
itself. I do not care that people fear me or I am hated. Not anymore.

“Goodbye little ones” Steve said before bending down to give them both a big hug and a kiss on their cute little heads, “I promise you that you will come back and that we can live happily, I will teach you everything I can and I will take care of you like crazy, I love you very much, never forget it. I promise with all my heart, we will look for you and bring you home.”

That was the last thing Captain America had said to the twins, and after what felt like hours he released them and it was my turn to say goodbye.

Luckily, Stark managed to prevent any reporter from entering and thus keep us out of the public eye.

I crouched in front of them and wrapped their small bodies into mine.

“We are going to miss you мои возлюбленные, and we will fight against everyone and everything to get you home again, but I need you to behave well, okay? I need you to protect each other and not let anyone hurt you. Always remember that we love you more than anything, and that no matter what you can be sure that we will seek you out.”

I started to cry, despite how tough I was trying to be. Mainly for their sake.

“I really feel like this has ended so quickly, but there are times when things just happen, and I’m sorry. I should’ve tried harder. But please. Please remember that I love you and I will see you again. I promise.”

I finished with a tight hug for both of us, and many spilled tears flowing down my cheeks.

The twins were transported in a small S.H.I.E.L.D ship, leaving behind a couple of Avengers, shattered inside and out, souls and heart breaking, yet hope shining at its best.

Unfortunately, none of them could think that someone else knew about the mobilization of children, someone with very dark and unflattering intentions.

Outskirts of Scotland, 9:00 p.m.

"Alpha convoy, everything in order and clear, requesting Beta convoy report, over.”

"Beta convoy here, everything in order Alpha, over".

During the transportation of the children everything was in order, but in the shadows a soldier waited patiently for the first attack signal to intervene.

“Аврил, запрашивающая отчет” (Avril, requesting a report), ordered the soldier.

“Конвой, четвертый на 10 человек, солдат ”(Convoy, quarter to 10 o'clock soldier), Avril replied, the soldier continued waiting until he heard Avril reply.

“ Санкционированное вмешательство солдательство солдата.” He looked at the Convoy and with the dexterity of a wolf, he burst into the first Convoy, the long-awaited shots never occurred since there were only 4 men who he easily defeated.

“Beta to Alpha, I notice a little movement in your convoy. Everything in order? I repeat, everything in order? Over."

They waited for an answer, but before receiving it they collided with the Alpha convoy, everyone raised their weapons and covering the children while sending a signal of ale Direct to S.H.I.E.L.D., but they were attacked by the soldier who despite being so skilled, had some problems with the soldiers.

However, in the confusion, the twins in a moment of bravery tried to help the soldiers using their powers, but Pietro, suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress, fled to the most distant place possible, totally forgetting his sister.

As expected, the four soldiers did not last long and the winter soldier was victorious, Wanda tried to defend herself but thanks to the fact that Bucky had dropped his mask, the girl was petrified when she recognized him. The soldier took the girl and took her to the safe house so he could recover and be able to fully control the girl. Now all they had to do was wait until they are rescued by Hydra, beginning one of the worst moments for the Avengers.

To be continued...

Author notes:
Thank you very much for reading, I want to thank Kewlkatherine for all her support for this story and do not forget that if you have any comments, questions, requests, etc. It is fully received, thank you for your support, wait for a new chapter soon.
Love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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