Welcome to Ember Falls (part 2)

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A portal opened up in an abandoned warehouse.

Adam and his friend, Macro an Evo-man with the ability to open portals to anywhere in the world worked out of the portal.

"Why did you ask me to bring you here again" asked Macro.

"I just wanted to check something out" said said Adam.

"I hope you are not planning to do something stupid because if Mr Victor finds out you're dead meat" said Macro.

"One, I promise I probably won't do something reckless and two even if Mr Victor finds out he won't be able to do anything, I'm the Adaptor remember" said Adam with a smirk on his face.

"Okay, whatever you say" said Macro as he rolled his eyes.

Macro was about to go but before he left Adam stopped him.

"Hey Macro, before you go can you do me a favour and not tell Mr Victor about this" said Adam with a playful smile.

"I'll think about it" said Macro with a smile on his before he opened a portal and went in.

"I really hope he doesn't tell Mr Victor, the last time Mr Victor caught me doing something like reckless he made me bathe in a tank of acid" said Adam remembering all the painful punishments Mr Victor gave him.

Adam then remembered why he came to Ember Falls in the first place.

Something big was coming, something that could bring an end to the world.

Adam left the warehouse and began to roam the town, not really sure of what he was looking for.

He roamed the town for hours but found nothing.

Adam then passed a small alley way and some a few armed robbers trying to rob a small jewelry store.

"Should I stop these guys, I mean it's not really my problem" said Adam.

Adam then heard the sound of a gun shot and the people in the jewelry store screaming.

Adam then sighed before saying "screw it".

Adam then enter the jewelry store and saw a the people on their knees, frightened and scared with a few the robbers pointing a gun to them, threatening to kill them if they tried anything while the others filled up a black sake with all the priceless jewel they can get their hands one.

"Who the hell are you" asked one of the robbers upon seeing Adam.

"Nobody really, just the guy that is going to kick all your asses" said Adam.

"Oh really"said one of the robbers before he fired a rifle straight for Adam, blasting through the window and out of the store.

The robber then turned to people and said "the same thing will happen to anybody else who feels like being a hero".

"Oh I wouldn't myself a hero" said a voice from behind.

The robbers then turned around and saw Adam standing behind him without a scratch on him.

"What the hel.." before the robber could finish his sentence Adam punched him.

The punch was so hard that it sent to robber flying straight to the wall.

"Language, can't you see there are beautiful ladies here" said Adam as he winked at a few of the women on their knees along with the other people.

The robbers then began to fire all their bullets at Adam.

Adam just stood there receiving all the bullets  without being harmed in anyway.

The robbers finally ran out of bullets.

Adam then smiled and said "oh your finally out bullets".

Adam then charged straight at them and grabbed one of them by the neck.

"Here is a tip for future when see a guy who can't be harmed by bullets just give up and surrender" said Adam.

Then one of robbers then carried his empty rifle and used it to hit Adam from behind.

The rifle broke immediately he hit Adam with it.

"Seriously are you guys that dumb, if you bullets couldn't do anything why would you think hitting me from behind would" said Adam as he used his other arm to hold the robber the hit.

He then turned to the other robbers and smiled before saying "catch".

He then threw the two robbers to the others, hitting them all with their own men.

The robbers were now down on the ground, defeated.

Adam then walked up to them and said "boo".

All of them then got up and ran away as fast as they could.

Outside waiting for them were cops.

"Freeze" said the cops.

They all surrendered willingly too scared to go back in to face Adam.

Adam seeing that the cops had dealt with the robbers was about to leave the jewelry store when a boy from the people the robbers held history went to him.

"Thank you mister" said the boy.

"No problem kid" said Adam as he ruffled up the boy's hair.

"Who are you" asked the kid.

Adam then smiled before saying, "The Adaptor".

Adam then ruffled up the boy's hair one last time before he left the jewelry store.

Adam walked passed a museum and the Evo-man detector in his watch then alerted of the presence of an Evo-man nearby.

"Strange, an Evo-man here in Ember Falls" said Adam as checked his watch.

The signal was weak and faint but it was enough to detect that there was an Evo-man nearby.

He then followed the signal in to museum.

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