Chapter 9

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To say the day had been boring, was an understatement. School had been sucking the life out of me, minute by minute, and the rest of the day had nothing planned either.

I was pleased to hear from Kyo that she'd passed the summer camp exam, but I was surprised at how hard the physical assessment must of been. Facing up against pro heroes, weights or not is a daunting challenge.

However it clearly was no problem for Kyo, as she sounded like pure sunlight over the phone.


I was still kind of upset about her leaving for the summer camp, even if it'd help her with her hero studies. I had become too used to seeing her everyday with studying, as I already wanted to spend more time with her.


The more i thought about it, I wondered what they'd be doing at the summer camp. Would it be physical training? Maybe even strateg-"


I was snapped out of my daydreaming, by a slam on my desk. The surprise of it all caused me to push back on my chair in fright, making me fall on the floor with a slam.

The class exploded with laughter, and I could even spy a hint of amusement on my teachers face.

"Whilst you may be at the top of the class, don't think you can get away with daydreaming in lessons!" The teacher snapped, not even bothering to act concerned at my falling out of my chair.

"A-ah s-sorry sir!" I stammered out, scrambling to my feet and setting my chair up properly.

The teacher merely sneered and walked back to his desk, muttering something about quirkless.

I flinched at the word. It didn't matter how often it was said to me, the word would always hurt more than any punch.

I stared at the clock, the class had 20 minutes left, but that was 20 minutes too long. I'd already learnt what the teacher was telling us, reading the exercise book near the beginning of the year. I'd even corrected some points, and added extra information in.

No one would want to admit that a quirkless kid was smarter than them, but I was smarter than them all. My grades never dropped, and some teachers would even think I was cheating at times.

At the end of the day it didn't matter. I was here so I could have physical evidence that I deserved a job. I was here so I could prove I was qualified to help people.

And that was all that mattered to me now. If I couldn't be a hero through one way, I'd be a hero through another.


School finally ended, much to the teachers annoyance, and I was free to do absolutely nothing.

I stepped through the gate and sighed. This was the final day before Kyo was leaving for the summer camp, and she'd made no attempt at organising a meet up.


Orrrrrrr not.

I turned to be met with Kyo and her class. All in casual clothes and beaming at me, minus Kaminari who was scowling at me. It seemed that Kachan wasn't there, and it was probably because of me.

"K-kyo?!? W-what are you a-and your class doing here?" I stammered out, slightly overwhelmed at all the attention.

"We're gonna go get equipment for the summer camp!" The pink skinned girl said excitedly.

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