Chapter 19

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I flinched as I felt the sun's rays beat mercilessly against my eyelids.

My eyelids fluttered open and a took in my surroundings.

I was in a classic hospital, covered in bandages with an iv tube attached to my wrist.

Last I could remember was the forest, so I had no idea...

Then it hit me. Dark shadow, the villains, the attack.

My eyes widened as I frantically looked around from any of my classmates, and to my relief I found one.

Lying his head peacefully on my bed, was Denki Kaminari.

I almost didn't want to wake him since he looked so comfortable, but I needed to know that everyone was fine.

"Jamming yay... Kaminari... get up." I said whilst shaking the blonde idiot.

"Mmm, five more minutes mum..." The blonde murmered, earning a tick mark in my forehead.

"OI DUMBASS, WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!" I yelled, irritated at his insistence on sleeping.

The electric quirk user sprung up with a yelp and quickly checked his surroundings, before his eyes landed on me.

"Jiro you're okay!!!" He cried, before grasping into me suddenly.

I awkwardly patted his back as he squeezed me like there was no tomorrow.

After about a minute of awkward hugging I pushed him off me and finally got to talking.

"What happened on camp? Is everyone okay?" I questioned.

"Everyone's fine, couple of us are unconscious but we're most unscathed." Kaminari revealed, making me sigh with relief.

"If anything you got the worst of it though." Kaminari pointed out. "You had the most injuries, and they were worried about the ears."

I brushed my earlobes whilst Jamming yay talked about my injuries, feeling how stretched and damaged they were.

"Seriously Jiro, we were all worried." Kaminari added, before, surprisingly, taking my hand.

"I was worried." He added, stroking my hand.

What was he doing? Didn't he know I was with Izuku?

I quickly removed my hand from his gently, before asking more questions.

"How long was I out for?" I asked.

"Not very long, the attack happened yesterday and your parents are on their way now." He replied, seemingly not noticing me removing my hand.

"Great." I muttered, lying back down into the hospital bed. "They're gonna be worried as hell."

"Anyway, what's your story?" I questioned. "Why were you sleeping on my bed?"

Kaminari grew bright red and looked away bashfully at my words.

"Um... w-well I was really worried after what happened and wanted to talk to you when you woke up." Kaminari squeeked out, clearly flustered.

"Thanks jamming yay." I said with a smile, whilst he had his head down. "It means a lot."

Kaminari lit up at my words and beamed, like he'd waited years for those words.

"I-it does?" He stammered, clearly touched by what I said.

"Um... yeah?" I said, slightly confused.

The pikachu turned around, and I could swear I heard him mutter "here it goes.", before turning around.

"Jiro you know you mean a lot to me, right?" Kaminari said, slightly shaking.

"Uh... I guess." I responded, slightly confused.

"Well, when I saw you that injured something in me realised how dangerous what we do is." Kaminari continued. "And I realise that there is a possibility t-that something could happen to you or me before I say what I want to say."

"K-kaminari." I stutter, slightly concerned at what the blonde haired classmate was implying.

"So here goes nothing... Jiro I... I-" Kaminari started, but couldn't seem to get out the words.

"Damn it! Whys it so hard to say!!" The blonde exclaimed.

However what he did next shocked me.

Kaminari placed both of his hands on either side of my face and finally said what he wanted to.

"Jiro I love you!"

My eyes widened at the confession, however before I had any time to compute what was going on Kaminari went a step further.

Denko Kaminari captured his lips in mine, and kissed me.

I didn't know what was going on!

My mind was doing cartwheels and my body was frozen.

I was so confused at what was happening. Was this why Jamming yay had been acting so weird.


My lips separated from Kaminari as I spun towards the noise.

However what I saw shook me to my core.

There, at the doorway was Izuku Midoriya, my lover, with tears streaming down his face.

He already looked messy, but his face was the part that completely broke me.

His face read one of betrayal, like he'd lost everything.

"Iz-" before I could finish it, he ran out the door, leaving the smashed pot of flowers on the floor.

I scrambled out of bed, trying to catch him, but was halted by a seering pain in my ribs.

I fell to the floor, gazing at the spot Izu once was and screamed.



It's a short chapter, but I think it's better that way.

I really feel like an asshole for writing this, but this was something that was intended from the beginning.

During the training camp Kaminari and Jiro get closer which gives him the courage to confess in this chapter.

Midoriyas mental state was already going downhill, and now with whatever happened to his mother, all he has left is Jiro.

And now he's seen Jiro and Kaminari kiss...

Shits about to get real.

Also can I just say:

I love you guys so much

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I love you guys so much.

I know it's out of nowhere since the last time I did an appreciation thing was on chapter 9, but I can't stress enough how much it means to me.

Every comment and vote I see warms my heart. Even when I see my story added to a reading list makes my day.

You're all the best.

Love ya!

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