Chapter 13

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My ears were bleeding.

Mr Aizawa had demanded I continuesly pound my jacks into the cliff face to increase durability. It also didn't help the Bakugo was screaming every time he let off an explosion.

In short, I was in agony.

Ashido was right next to me, using her quirk to melt the cliff face. Her face was morphed into one of pure pain.


I turned around to see My Aizawa standing with a bored expression on his face.

"You can stop for a bit, I have a new way to train your quirk." He said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I could feel Mina glaring holes into my body as I detached my jacks from the cliff face.

"I've heard from the class that you have a new move that you use." Aizawa stated boredly.

"Oh yeah! I haven't got a name for it yet, but I basically use by jacks as grappling hooks!" I quickly responded, excited about the recognition from my new move.

Aizawa nodded, and took my over to Tsu.

I want you to attach your jacks to the top of the cliff and attempt to climb it.

I looked at Mr Aizawa with a worried expression.

I knew this was to strengthen my ear lobes, but they were still slightly weak.

"If you feel as though they'll tear, disengage. The whole point of this is to strengthen them, not remove them." Aizawa reassured.

I nodded, and extended my jacks as far as I could reach. Once I impaled them into the wall, I began to climb up.

There were ridges in the cliff face to help me with my grip, but I only used them when I felt I was putting too much tension on my ears.

"Hello Jiro *kero*" Tsu exclaimed whilst climbing with me. "That new move of yours is handy isn't it?"

"Yeah shame I didn't think of it sooner!" I responded, wincing at strain on my ears.

"If you don't mind me asking, is your boyfriend ok?" Tsu asked, showing her intrusive side.

"Uh yeah... why?" I asked with a hint of hostility in my voice.

"He seemed rather quiet on the way back from the mall, I was wondering if anything went wrong?" Tsu responded, clearly not catching my hostility.

I thought back to the mall, Izuku shaking and muttering like he used to. He was trying to put on a brave face, but he couldn't hide it from me.

His sudden meeting with Bakugo had made him unstable.

I remembered when he told me everything, and how hard it was to get him to go to therapy.

His therapy had ended not too long ago, and he used to be on medication. He didn't take it anymore since he didn't think me needed it. Once he ran out of them, he just stopped buying them.

I was beginning to wish he still had them.

I looked back at Tsu, putting on a fake smile.

"Don't worry Tsu, everything's fine. Izu is fine."

Tsu looked at me for a couple of seconds, before continuing with her exercise.

As I continued mine, there was one thing I knew that I wish wasn't true.

'Izu's not fine.'


After what seemed like an eternity, the training eventually ended...

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