Chapter 21

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Jiro was shook.

Momo had ran into the room with wide eyes and explained what Bakugo had reported.

And what Jiro heard shook her to her very core.

'How could Inko do this?' Jiro thought, silently cursing the mother.

"I need to find him." Jiro stated, moving to get out of her bed.

"Wait, you still haven't recovered!" Momo warned frantically.

"Doesn't... matter." Jiro muttered whilst huffing at the pain of moving.

"And where do you think your going?"

The two girls turned their heads to see recovery girl standing by the door with a serious look on her face.

"Recevery girl! I have to leave, my friends in trouble!" Jiro exclaimed, trying to get out of bed.

However a smack with her odd cane in Jiro's leg sent the girl back to her bed in pain.

"Your not going anywhere, not at least til I do a check up on you!" Recovery girl scolded.

"Besides, your friend can surely wait." The elderly nurse added, earning a whine from Jiro.

"You don't understa-"

"Settle down missy, this'll only take a mo."


After 40 minutes of recovery girl scolding her for her injuries before using her quirk to heal them, a tired Jiro was left in her hospital bed.

Jiro was desperate to get out of the godforsaken hospital bed, but knew that the heroes defending the hospital would send her right back if she was seen.

Jiro looked out the window, before her sensitive ears picked up something shocking coming from the TV in her hospital room.

"Breaking news: at aldera high school, a former student is standing atop the school building!"

The TV showing the news showed a zoomed out shot of the roof of aldera High school, with a mysterious someone standing on the roof.

However one unmistakable feature of the mystery man terrified Jiro.

Green hair.

Jiro's eyes widened at the news and quickly turned to see Momo, Bakugo, Tokoyami and Kirishima staring at her in horror.

"We need to go, now." Bakugo insisted, earning a frantic nod from Jiro.

"But Jiro hasn't been checked out yet!" Momo exclaimed, earning a glare from Jiro.

"I'm not wasting time here, Izu needs help." I dismissed, wearily getting our of bed.

"Well we'll need another way out, since the heroes are patrolling the hospital." Tokoyami noted.

Jiro marched towards the window and stared out at the distance from the ground.

It was a considerable distance, and falling would mean certain death.

"Jiro, you can't be serious..." Kirishima nervously stated at the purple haired gril staring out the window, determined.

"Do you have a better idea?" The earphone jack user asked, not breaking her gaze from the ground.

"Jiro, think. Your ears are still recovering, and I doubt they could support your weight right now." Momo scolded, walking over to Jiro and placing her hand on her shoulder.

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