Chapter 11

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I'd texted goodbye to Izu and my parents, and got onto the bus.

Truly, the camp started now.

I managed to grab a seat near the back, but Yaomomo was sitting with Todoroki.

I plugged in my jack to my phone, and selected my roadtrip playlist. It had a mix of songs I liked, and couple of Izu's recommendations.

I clicked shuffle and sunk into my seat.

However I was interrupted from my relaxation, by a certain human Pikachu.

Kaminari sat down next to me and placed his bag under his seat.

He turned to me, and definitely saw the look on my face.

I wasn't happy to see him. According to Izu he'd been giving him dirty looks and  he'd been asking intrusive questions. In other words, he wasn't in my good books currently.

"I came here to say sorry."

My face changed from a dirty look, to surprise.

"I was rude when it came to your boyfriend being quirkless, and I wasn't being a good friend." Kaminari continued. "I'm sorry."

I was surprised. Jamming yay wasn't one to say sorry, and I could tell that he meant it.

I smiled and nodded.

"Apology accepted." I replied.

Kaminari'a face burst into a goofy grin, which I just shook my head at.

"Whatcha listening to?" Kaminari asked, looking at my phone.

"See for yourself" I replied, connecting my right jack into his ear.

He seemed to blush at the contact, before noticing the song.

"Awww he'll yeah! Deep Dope!" Kaminari cried out, sinking into his seat.

I looked back at him bobbing his head to the music, and smiled.

'Maybe Izu didn't have anything to worry about after all.'


About 4 hours had passed and the bus hissed, signaling its stop.

I sat up and looked out the window, to see that we were on a ridge overlooking a forest.

'Whybare we stopping now?' I asked myself, getting out of my seat with the rest of the class.

I poked Kaminari with my jack, waking him up from his sleep.

"Rise and shine Jamming yay." I said whilst exiting the bus.

Everyone was muttering about us stopping early, and the sounds of joints pooping from the journey made my ears cringe.

Before us was an old fashioned car.

"Hey, Eraser!" A voice called out from the car.

"Long time no see." Mr Aizawa replied whilst bowing.

Suddenly two women wearing cat outfits sprung out of the car, followed by a small boy.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" One in red cried out.

"Stingingly cute and catlike!" The one in blue continued.

"Wild, wild Pussycats!" They both cried out together, whilst posing.

Me and the class just stared at them, slightly confused.

Mr Aizawa just sighed and explained.

"These are the pro heroes who'll be working with us during the camp." He explained unenthusiasticly.

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