"This is the welcoming committee?"

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Rebekah glanced up in her rear-view mirror to check her tail, but the distance behind them had been vacant for quite some time. The bleached, void of color dunes of rocks and sand all around them was terribly dull. The road ahead cracked with ill-repair. How often had this view welcomed strangers?

Despite having another passenger in the cab with her, she felt...lonely.

This was the route Hope had taken to Beacon Hills, and she was sure they'd stumble upon the diner soon, but she couldn't seem to stop her mind from wandering. Is this how Hope had felt when driving this stretch of road? She'd been by herself. Had she been lonely too?

Had she been afraid?

Rebekah sighed softly to herself and brushed a stray strand of pale hair from her forehead, attempting to focus on the near-silent radio. Though it crackled incessantly from lack of signal. She turned the thing off with a quick swipe.

Stiles was asleep in the passenger seat. The light snoring on his intake of breath was easily recognizable. Well, at least someone was able to sleep. She hadn't found enough peace to sleep in two days. Rebekah was beginning to feel the weight of exhaustion.

She glanced over at him, raising a groomed brow to see his face pressed against the glass. Mouth agape, half of his features squished against the window while leaning forward. Neck bent at an odd angle.

"Hmm-hmm..." Stiles started a little giggle in his sleep.

Rebekah scrunched a face and bit her lip, fighting a tiny laugh. Does he talk in his sleep?

"Yeah, baby, I like that...." Stiles continued.

Rebekah snorted, putting her sleeve to her mouth to stifle the sound. Oh, Hope, you know how to pick the most entertaining guests, don't you?

Looking ahead, Rebekah noticed a pothole on the left side of the road. Well, no one was around, and let's be honest. Dreaming she could handle vocal sex dreams...not as much.

Turning the wheel, she hit the pothole head-on, and the cab bounced with a tumultuous crash, making everything in the car lift up and fall back down for a split second before she slid back into the right lane.

Stiles sat up quickly with wide eyes. "Woah!" He gasped and let out a heavy breath. Trying to release the tension in his chest.

"Oops," Rebekah smirked slyly.

Leaning back against the backseat, he rubbed the back of his neck, hoping to massage the kinks, and squinted his eyes as he yawned.

"You seemed to be having a fascinating dream. Care to share?"

Stiles felt his ears begin to burn. He pursed his lips into a thin line and slowly shook his head. "Uhm...not entirely."

Rebekah narrowed her eyes, suspicions becoming alert. "It wasn't about Hope, was it?"

Stiles raised his brows, and his eyes widened further. His ears felt as though they'd been scorched by the sun. "What? No! God, no...not...not that she isn't...I mean, she's gorgeous, but...but I mean... There's this girl, Simone. I met her while in New Orleans. I swear it... wasn't Hope..." he trailed off, trying to backtrack as he bit his lip so hard it indented marks into his flesh. Praying she didn't take offense and yeet him out of the car.

Laughing, Rebekah shook her head. "You know, it wouldn't be so bad even if it were. Niklaus and Elijah both have taken a liking to you. That doesn't happen often."

Stiles stared at her, puzzled. As if she'd just spoken gibberish.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked in confusion. They...the almighty original brothers...like him?

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