"A silent battle of dominance..."

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It had taken Hope two seconds to regret the words that spilled from her mouth. His steely gaze cut through her realm of security like a worn blade. Hope was almost positive it was jagged enough to cause a later infection.

"What did you just say?" his voice echoed as if it were at a far distance.

"I..." she stammered, her legs becoming jelly as she tried to speak through the weight on her chest.

Scott placed a hand on the man's shoulder and said, "Derek. Take it easy. She won't say anything if you keep freaking her out."

"I am not freaking out," Hope said sharply, voice as severe as Derek's eyes, "You don't intimidate me." Although, that wasn't entirely true. Now that she had identified the intent of her instincts, she could better keep her emotions under control. However, his stature was genuinely intimidating. With his broad shoulders and tall impressive physique, he was no doubt a man capable of leading a strong pack.

Derek stepped forward, a strange aura of power surging from his body. It was that same electrical feeling she'd felt when she saw the figure standing in her backyard. She parted her lips, tasting it on her tongue.

"You were in my backyard. On the edge of the woods. I know it was you."

A slight smile tugged at the corner of his lips and disappeared quickly. "You don't take kindly to strangers, so I've heard." Their eyes remained connected. It was a silent battle of dominance where the tension hit its peak. It wasn't until a voice broke through their concentration that Derek tore his eyes from Hope, releasing her from the metaphorical grip around her throat.

"Look, I don't know what kind of wolfy thing is going on here, but I'd like some answers," Stiles started, caught Derek's glare, and quickly back peddled, "Or, I mean, whenever you finish with your conversation. If that's what that is...."

Hope didn't dare glance in the direction of Derek again, too terrified she might be trapped in his gaze again. "You want information. I can understand that. It doesn't mean I'm obligated to tell you anything," she said as she turned from them and hoisted her suitcase out from under the bed, "I'll be out of here by dawn." She couldn't stay; she knew that. Instincts or not, she couldn't be here any longer than she had to.

"Why?" Stiles asked, strangely upset.

"Why, really?" she retorted, looking over her shoulder at him. "You're asking me that?" She shook her head and unzipped the luggage, pushing the top back.

"Yeah, I am asking that. So you show up here, traumatize us in the Jeep Ride of Doom, and then when we finally catch you, all you say in your oh-so-mysterious way is that you came here for Derek for God only knows what reason, "he paused, trying to regain his receding voice, "Now you're just gonna leave? Just like that?"

"Yes," Hope said bluntly, grabbing for her wallet to pack away. Her arm didn't make it to the side table, unfortunately. She looked up at Derek, who was not only inches from her but holding her wrist in a firm grip. If she didn't heal so quickly, she'd be sure there'd be faint bruising.

His expression was blank, aside from a thin shade of curiosity. He picked up the wallet and opened the flaps while keeping Hope's wrist secure. "Hope Marie Montgomery. I'm going to assume that isn't your real name?" he asked, casting his eyes down on her.

"It is, actually, asshat. Let go." She yanked her hand free, refraining from yelping from the pain it caused. Grabbing the wallet from him, she tossed it into her suitcase. "Now. Get out." Her tone was low and demanding. She could feel that power she'd had back in New Orleans begin to well up inside again. She'd missed it desperately. It was the dominating power of her true self-the tribrid alpha.

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