"How long could they control fate..."

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Hope felt true, unfiltered peace. A delicately soft smile curved her lips as she opened her eyes, greeted by the smoldering embers in the hearth. For the first time in so long, Hope felt whole. Like, the worries she had before no longer mattered.

Rolling onto her stomach, she absentmindedly traced her fingers down the ribbed fabric of the pillow that cradled her head-lost in thought. How long had she been asleep? It couldn't have been long, considering the shadows that bathed the living room.

Sighing softly, Hope snuggled into the couch and let her eyes close. She was just on the verge of sleep, that fine line between two worlds, when her eyes snapped open. Sitting up abruptly, she scanned the living room, confused. The room hadn't changed in the time she'd been asleep, but she was alone.

Derek was gone.

Exhaling, she shifted to a sitting position and rested her chin on her knees. He must not have stayed long; she thought as her eyes adjusted to the room.

Hope could still feel the sensation of his warm fingers caressing the small of her back. She had fallen asleep with her head on his chest, listening to his solid heartbeat. It had felt so right in the moment, at least, it did to her. Maybe he didn't feel the same.

She tried to shove the vivid memories from her thoughts. Then, shaking her head, she stood from the couch and dug her toes into the squishy carpet. Her gaze settled on the wood pile next to the brick platform of the fireplace. She debated for a moment. Either put on another log or call it a night. Would it matter if she couldn't sleep anyway?

Hope didn't have the chance to decide.

Without warning, a truck horn blared. Hope whipped her head to the side and stared out the living room window wide-eyed. The green pickup truck was on the lawn facing the house.

The noise was so loud she could see the glass of the window tremble. Then, a sudden bright light lit the entire living room, blinding her. After that, she could see nothing but stars and strangely colored circles.

She froze in fearful surprise.

Her immediate instinct was to duck, to get away from the window and out of the line of fire, but she couldn't move her limbs. It was as if an electric current had paralyzed her, making her muscles rigid and uncooperative.

Move, Hope, move!

But she couldn't. She could only stare in blank horror as the light shut off, leaving her with spotted vision. Then, finally, the driver's door opened, and he stepped out. The man with the tattooed knuckles held something in his hand, a glinting object constructed of silver.

Then she noticed he wasn't alone. They forced a man with a dark head of hair and a muscular build to his knees.

Her heart stopped.


Dick placed the nose of the pistol against the back of Derek's head.

He pulled the trigger.

Hope inhaled a sharp breath as her eyes snapped open. Her heart hammered painfully against her ribcage. Sweat dewed along her hairline; wisps of baby hair clinging to the nape of her neck.

A burst of warm, buttery sunshine streamed through her bedroom window and greeted her. Watching the dancing dust particles, she eased her rigid muscles into a comfortable position.

Rolling onto her back, she rested her arms above her head and stretched. Her jumbled thoughts trampled over each other while she stared at the white swirl-patterned ceiling.

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