"I wish it wasn't..."

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Allison's POV

Soft moonlight bathed Allison's bedroom, forcing shadows to retreat into their dark corners. Though, she was certain that even if her world was lit with warm sunlight, she'd still feel just as cold.

She stared at her necklaces that danced with each pass of her little fan on the nightstand while her thoughts wandered. Could her family really have anything to do with something so horrible? This wasn't just hunting a supernatural creature that was wreaking havoc on innocent people.

No, this was horrific mutilation.

Earlier that evening, Allison had left her bed to get an aspirin and a glass of water for her pounding headache. She had a massive test coming up in biology that could make or break her semester grade and with everything Scott had just dumped on her it was all just too much.

Allison remembered sipping her water in the kitchen with a pill on her tongue, hair up in a messy bun adjusting the strap of her cami- wishing she'd worn a cardigan. The house was always so cold.

Her dad had been sitting in the living room, watching television. Heaving sighs at whatever was happening on screen. Everything seemed normal...until she walked by the den toward the stairs.

For some reason, she stopped in the hall. An instinct, she supposed. She turned to look at what her dad was watching on the screen. Well, a screen. She'd been wrong. He wasn't watching some poorly scripted drama on the tv. It was some kind of fight on his laptop.

Allison moved closer with a small frown, clutching the glass of remaining water in her hand, furrowing her brows into a confused scowl. She watched in disgusting curiosity as a woman faced down a man who prowled around her while she stood on the tips of her toes in some kind of strange-looking circle.

Then it happened.

The woman on the screen wrenched a man's heart from his chest.

Allison gasped sharply and took a staggering step back, her heart suddenly racing so fast it hurt to breathe.

Her dad slammed the laptop shut and turned while standing to his feet. Rage filled his features as he glowered down at her.

"Allison-" he began, but she quickly cut him off.

"What the hell was that?" she asked, her voice stronger than she'd anticipated it to be, "Please tell me that was some kind of documentary-style movie that's meant to scare viewers..." she waited for him to say something, anything, but he only met her with a cold stare. She tried again. "Dad...please tell me that wasn't real."

The silence stretched between them and just as Allison was ready to turn to leave, he finally answered.

"I wish it wasn't."

Scott had been right, Allison thought as she rolled over in bed and stared at the blank wall. Her ears were still ringing from the shock of watching that woman remove a man's heart - without even touching him. That woman...could it be the one Scott had told her about? Could it be Hope?

It wasn't too far of a stretch. As far as she understood, Stiles called to tell Scott that the men who took her ran some sort of mafia gang fighting ring, designed for supernaturals. Pitting them against each other in brutal scenarios to bring out the bloodiest endings.

But...that was all she knew. Scott refused to tell her anything else, but she was starting to think it was less about him wanting her to know and more about not letting her dad find out they knew about the business. Scott didn't say it but looking back at their conversation and piecing it together tonight with the way her dad had just reacted to her seeing that fight scene...maybe Scott thought her dad had something to do with this fight mafia ring.

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