𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 3- 𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐼𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑦

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[image above is part of the English home]
"Is everyone getting ready?" Ophichius fretted over Scorpio's collar.
"Ophi. We still have an hour until they arrive, breathe," Scorpio advised his elder brother. "I need to go find Can anyways," he ducked out of the elder's hold and slinked out of the room.
"God why am I so scared?" Ophichius huffed, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.
"Because they're a really strong mafia?" Mini suggested from where she was leaning against the door frame.
"Yes. That's why," Ophichius sighed, putting a hand to a chain around his neck, fiddling with the ring that rested there.
"Ophi. It'll be okay. They want the alliance as much as we do," Mini said, not moving.

"Hey love," Scorpio found cancer in their bedroom. "You alright?"
"Am I fat?" She questioned.
"Wh- why would you be fat?" He spluttered.
"I tried this dress on a month ago and it fit, but now it's quite tight around my abdomen," she explained.
"Maybe... it's the reason you've been feeling under the weather recently?" Scorpio said carefully.
Cancer's eyes widened.
"Pregnant?" She murmured, touching her stomach lightly.
"You okay?" Scorpio took her into his arms and she melted against him.
"Yeah. I'll take a test after the alliance stuff," she went on her toes and kissed his cheek.
"Ok," he kissed her hair. "Let's go downstairs and find the others,"

Aquarius didn't want to go downstairs. She didn't want to dress up and socialise. But her stupid cr- friend- dragged her down the stairs.
No, literally, dragged.
"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Owww!" She whinged as her head continually hit the steps.
"You should've come down when I first asked," Sagittarius proclaimed.
"I will come just let me go!" She thrashed against his grip.
"Ugh fine," he let go of her ankle and offered a hand.
She swatted it away and jumped to her feet. "You're a jerk," she glared.
"Love you too," he grinned.
She turned as she felt a flush appear on her cheeks. "Let's go find the others. Make sure Gem isn't absolutely torturing Mini," she said.
"Awesome! Let's go!" Sagittarius grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the direction of the lounge.

"GEM!" Mini shrieked, alerting every person in the house to her obvious distress
"Mini?" Ophichius came striding into the room, scanning the area. "Oh- oh," he took in her appearance.
She was covered head to toe in glitter.
"Gem? Seriously? The Italians are coming in less than an hour," Ophichius growled as the others came filing into the room.
"I forgot about that!" Gem yelped, rushing forward to inspect the damage.
"When did you put a glitter bucket on the door?" Sagittarius raised an eyebrow, trying to not giggle.
"Like a week ago," was the younger twin's response.
"I hate you," Mini hissed.
"Come on Mini. Let's get you cleaned up. Let's go Aqua," Cancer reached forward and took Mini's hand and took her out the room, leaving a trail of glitter in her wake.
Aquarius followed them.
"Oh dear lord save me," Ophichius pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not going to survive this am I?"
"Probably not," Scorpio nodded, folding his arms and staring at where Gem was trying to sweep the glitter under a carpet.
"Gem," Ophichius warned.

"Erano qui!" Pisces said excitedly.
"Possiamo vederlo," Virgo said shortly.
Pisces glared at him.
Leo shushed them and looked up at the house. It was grand, and big, and old.
And beautiful.
"Bellissima," she murmured, starting to walk up the stairs to the front doors.
"English now?" Libra suggested.
Leo simply nodded and knocked on the door three times.
They opened as she swept away to rejoin her sister's side.

Chapter translations (google translate)
Erano qui!- we're here!
Possiamo verderlo- we can see that
Bellissima- beautiful

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