𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 22- 𝐷𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑜𝑛?

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He looked away from the window as Aquarius burst into his room, hair wet and in her pyjamas.
"What?" He asked.
"Really? You don't know?" She put her hands on her hips. "I hate confrontation, you know I do, but, I think for this particular-,"
The door opened again, much quieter, as Capricorn shuffled in.
He blinked at Aquarius who stared at him, frozen.
"Get on with it," Sagittarius said irritably. "You need to get ready for your wedding,"
"We'll we wouldn't have to if you got the stick out of your arse!" Aquarius proclaimed. "Ophi and Leo agreed, that if you finally acknowledged the thing between the three of us, we wouldn't have to get married,"
"What thing?" Sagittarius narrowed his eyes. "You guys get married, be a happy little perfect family,"
Aquarius hissed at him.
Capricorn cleared his throat, placing a hand on Aquarius' shoulder. "Aqua," he soothed. "Calm down and breathe,"
She let her hands drop from her waist and let out a sigh.
"You need to go get ready for your wedding. As do I," Sagittarius stated. He did not want them to feel obligated to him. They loved each other, and he loved them both so much that he wanted them to be happy. Without him. He was now stuck in a wheelchair, seemingly cranky and grumpy forevermore. He would not let them deal with him. He had to sort his shit out.
"Tari. We fucking love you," Capricorn said. "Don't-,"
"Leave me alone, and get ready for your own fucking wedding!" Sagittarius shouted. "Go away!"
Capricorn sighed and led Aquarius out of the room.
"Why would he-," Aquarius' voice was broken off as the door swung shut behind the two.

"Oh Aqua! You're radiant!" Mini clapped her hands together.
"Nice of you to say," she said, glaring at the wall.
"What did the wall ever do to you?" Mini raised an eyebrow. "Come on, talk,"
"Tari's an arsehole,"
"Uh huh,"
"We both love him. Fucking idiot," she seethed.
"Aquarius," her friend said gently. "He's going to be okay,"
"No," Aquarius swallowed. "I don't think he is,"
"What do you mean?" Mini frowned.
"I- I'm going back to Italy with them,"
"It's only natural, I suppose, living with my husband," Aquarius licked her lips. Her mouth felt very dry. "We decided, I go with him, and Aries stays here with Gem, it was decided between the four of us, in rock paper scissors,"
"I was going to lose my best friend or my twin brother no matter what?" Mini swallowed.
"You know this was going to happen," Aquarius said softly. "They can't stay here. It's been months, they need to go home,"
"I just... I don't want you to go," she choked. "Aqua..."
"Don't cry, you'll ruin your make up," Aquarius teased, placing her hands on mini's shoulders.
Mini snorted. "You don't care about make up,"
"You do,"
"S-shut up," she sniffled. "When are you going?"
"Tomorrow night, I've started packing already,"
"When are you telling the others?"
"We told Ophichius last night. He didn't say much. Just said he'd miss me, and said welcome to Aries, then he declared he needed sleep,"
"But... Sagittarius?"
"Please Mini, look after him,"
"You know-,"
"Please. He's... I love him. I love him so much. Like I do Capricorn. I don't want him to ever feel alone,"
"Who knows. Maybe he'll surprise us all and object," Mini joked.
Aquarius scoffed. "Cap and I talked to him earlier. He's not going to do that,"

Pisces folded her arms as she surveyed the church.
"Everything is placed perfectly," Virgo said from beside her. "I oversaw everything myself,"
"Oh, it looks lovely Virgo," Pisces said. "I'm just trying to picture it,"
"Picture what?"
"If Sagittarius doesn't object, I will," Pisces proclaimed. "All three need to be locked in a room and scream and shout until they're happy,"
"That's... interesting,"
"Thank you. I was thinking about it last night. I talked to cancer and Taurus this morning about it, and they said go for it,"
"Gods," Virgo muttered, massaging his forehead. "I'm going to get grey hairs,"
Pisces grinned up at him. "That is exactly what Taurus said you'd say!"
Virgo sighed.

"Are you ready?" Ophichius asked.
"Nope!" Aquarius replied. "Let's get this over with,"
"You look lovely," he informed.
"So I've been told," she frowned.
"Got your bouquet!" Pisces declared, ushering in cancer and mini.
All three were clad in their respective bridesmaid dresses, with smaller bouquets.
Pisces handed the big one to Aquarius, who held it gingerly like one would a bomb.
Ophichius offered an arm, and she took it.
"If I stumble on this dress I will not go through with this," she muttered.
"Who goes first?" Mini whispered.
"The bridesmaids. You go last, Mini. Pisce and I will go first," cancer informed.
"Roger that. Can we begin yet?"
Suddenly, music started to play.
"I feel sick," Aquarius groaned.
"Get through the ceremony first!" Pisces hissed. "Let's go!" She shoved cancer out into the aisle before following.

Cancer stumbled slightly, regaining her footing as heads turned towards her.
There wasn't much of a crowd.
Taurus was officiating (no one knew how or when, just that he had the documentation required), so he was up at the front.
Capricorn stood to his right (our left), Virgo (the best man) standing behind holding a box.
Scorpio stood next to virgo, holding Draco, acting as groomsmen.
Sat on Capricorn's side, were Libra, Leo and Aries. Sat on the other side, were Gem and Sagittarius.
Cancer grinned up at her husband and son, Scorpio smiling back softly as Draco fidgeted in his arms.
Pisces and cancer made it to the front, sitting down on the front row.
Mini stayed up at the front, opposite Virgo and waited as Ophichius escorted Aquarius down the aisle.

Sagittarius fiddled with his rings as he watched Aquarius.
She was beautiful. As ever. 
His eyes then moved to Capricorn's, who was watching Aquarius with what one would describe as utter adoration.
The ginger smiled to himself softly. They were happy. They loved each other.
"Sag. Remember, they need you as well," Gem muttered.
Sagittarius turned to frown at him.
Gem grinned back. "They can't be truly happy together without you. You gotta object dude,"
"I-," Sagittarius broke off, turning back to the front as Taurus cleared his throat.
Ophichius moved away from Aquarius' side to sit beside Pisces. He winked up at mini, who rolled her eyes and took Aquarius' bouquet.
"We are gathered here today," he proclaimed. "To celebrate this union,"
"Sag," Gem murmured. "Seriously,"
He could feel his heart thumping. Oh dear.
"Before we begin, I'm required to ask by the church: does anyone object of this union?"

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