𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 20- 𝐼𝑠 𝑖𝑡 𝑎 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑒𝑛𝑑?

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I try to draw them lol ^

"Cance," Scorpio murmured.
"You wanna meet him or not?" Cancer teased. "Take him," she lifted her arms and offered the newborn.
"What's his name?" Her husband murmured, looking down at his son.
"Draco. Draco Tauri," She said softly.
"Are you alright?" He looked up.
"Just tired. I'll sleep for a while, I think,"
"We're going to hospital tomorrow,"
"We need to take Sagi and Libra anyway. You should get checked out," he said.
"Okay then. Come to bed," she patted the spot beside her.
"I'll put him in his crib," he said, moving and placing the baby into into the bassinet next to their bed.
"Will Sagi and Lib be ok?" She murmured as he shifted into bed beside her.
"I don't know, snowflake. I hope so," he wrapped his arms around her and they both fell asleep.

For about an hour they slept, until Draco started to wail.
"I've got him," Scorpio muttered. "You need some rest,"
"Mm love you," Cancer muttered, tugging the duvet up over her head as her husband lifted their son out of his crib.
"Let's go outside for a bit," Scorpio said tiredly as he strode out the room, still hushing the newborn. "Do you like it when I talk to you? Hey?" Scorpio bounced the baby as he slid on sandals and walked out into the cold night.
Someone was outside, sat on the bench.
"Aquarius?" Scorpio called.
She turned her head. "Scorpio? What are you- oh my god,"
"Draco, this is your aunt Aqua. Aqua, this is Draco," Scorpio introduced as the woman rushed over.
"I can see the similarities," she noted, looking from Scorpio's face to Draco's. "Same scowl,"
Scorpio scowled.
"See!" She grinned.
"What are you doing out here?" Scorpio shifted his grip on the baby as he started to fuss.
"Needed to gather my thoughts," she shrugged.
"It's 4am," he said dryly. "How long have you been out here?"
"Only fifteen minutes. Needed to make sure everyone was asleep. I think everyone will be sleeping in til midday," she replied. "Been a long couple of days,"
"So. What thoughts are you gathering?" Scorpio looked down at her.
She squared her shoulders. "Everyone keeps calling them my boys,"
He hummed.
"They aren't my boys,"
"Uh huh,"
"They're Sagi and Capri," she frowned.
He nodded and continued rocking the newborn to sleep.
"Heck, I'm in an arranged marriage to cap. Sagi can't be mine,"
"Uh huh,"
"But..." she groaned. "Why do I want them to be?"
"You like them," Scorpio finally deigned to speak. "Listen, Aqua. I'll tell you what I think. You like them, they like you and each other. Just fucking make out and be done with all this shit already,"
"Scorpio! There is a child!" Aquarius hissed.
"He's just over an hour old," The new father returned. "And you know I'm right. Just talk to them,"
"But- talking!" Aquarius made wild movements with her hands.
"You've been flirting with them both for at least nine months now,"
"Have not!"
"It was definitely flirting,"
"You- you- I remember when you first met cancer! You were halfway in love with her by first glimpse!"
"Yes. I won't deny that. Just don't say it in front of our enemies, then I will gut you," Scorpio rolled his shoulder. "Kay. Draco's asleep. You should go to sleep too Aqua. Bye," he left her outside.
"Asshole," she grumbled.

"You ready to go to hospital later?" Capricorn asked Sagittarius. It was 7am, and most of the group had gathered in the kitchen.
Sagittarius scrunched up his nose as Gem snickered.
"Sagi hates hospitals. His dad's a doctor you see,"
"My dad is not an issue here. He lives three hours away," the ginger grumbled. "I just hate hospitals,"
"They smell," Mini agreed, lifting her coffee mug to her lips.
"Did anyone else hear the baby crying last night?" Ophichius asked as he sat down by the table.
"That'd be Draco," Taurus supplied. "Cancer and Scorp's son,"
They all turned to look at him.
"She had the baby?" Mini said slowly.
"Yep," Aquarius piped up. "Scorp said he was born at like 3am,"
"Wait. How do you know that?" Taurus shot her a confused look.
"Bumped into him this morning," she said evasively.

"Meet your nephew, Draco Tauri," Scorpio said as he placed the baby into his brother's arms.
"As the first born of this generation, you're gonna be a great boss one day," Ophichius cooed.
Cancer scrunched up her nose as Scorpio rolled his eyes.
"Ophi, he is not even a day old," Mini chided, taking the child away from him. "Hey little one," she grinned. "Oh, he is cute Cance,"
"Cause he looks like his father," she replied tiredly.
"He's sweet," Sagittarius supplied as Mini gently passed Draco to him. "Very small. Uh- what-,"
Draco began to cry.
"Give him here, he's probably hungry," cancer raised her arms and let Scorpio transfer their son from Sagittarius to her.
"What time are we going to the hospital later?" Aquarius asked, sliding onto the table.
"We'll go in an hour," Leo suggested.
"Sounds good to me," Scorpio nodded. "Meet you down here in an hour," he ushered out his very tired wife and his screaming child.

Libra was pushing Sagittarius down the hospital corridor, flanked by doctors with Leo and Gem following.
Libra felt a hand move to her arm, and she halted, letting go of Sagittarius' chair. 
The doctor made some gestures over to a door on the right and tugged her away from Sagittarius.
Leo appeared beside them, and put an arm around Libra's waist and gently shied her into the room.
Sagittarius waved a goodbye before vanishing from sight.
She felt useless.

Ophichius, Aquarius and Capricorn were waiting.
Ophichius was on the phone to Mini, sighing and rolling his eyes almost affectionately as they talked.
Aquarius was quiet, fiddling with her sleeves and frowning down at the floor.
Capricorn slid his hand into hers, and tugged her over to rest on his shoulder.
"Sagittarius is strong, Aqua," He said softly. "He'll be okay,"
"I know I just. He hates feeling useless. He's not going to be himself, not for a while," she scowled, scuffing her feet on the tiles below. "I want him to know-," she broke off.
"He's got us. He'll be okay," he squeezed her hand.

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