𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11- 𝑇𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑢𝑠 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑖𝑧𝑧𝑎

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Taurus hummed as he got out the ingredients to make pizza dough.
Aries and Gem stuck their heads into the kitchen.
"Whatcha doing Taurus?" Aries questioned.
"Making pizza," He responded, looking over at the duo. "What are you two doing? I thought you didn't get on very well,"
"We don't," Aries straightened and folded her arms.
Gem snorted. "Yeah right," he turned to Taurus with a grin. "She loves me,"
"Do not!"
"You willingly hang out with me now, I think you do,"
"Everyone else is busy and I find that you're less infuriating than you were when we first met!" She glared.
Gem battered his eyelashes. "Aw, Bloody Mary, that is the nicest- OW!"
Aries kicked him in the shin.
"Sorry Taur," she said before dragging Gem out the kitchen.
The man blinked after them, processing what had happened.
"Right," he muttered. "Normal,"

The man looked up from his desk. "Mini? What's up?"
The woman grimaced as she glided into the room. "The queen's died,"
Ophichius' eyes widened. "Holy shit,"
"What does that mean for us?" Mini bit her lip.
"I don't think it's going to be much of a change, we just have to keep a look out on any new things the King introduces,"
"Yeah. Just thought I'd have to let you know,"
"Thank you," he nodded at her and offered a smile.
She nodded and looked down at the papers he was working on.
"What are you doing?" She picked one up.
She ignored him and scanned the paper.
"What are the Argentinians doing? I thought we assembled some sort of peace treaty,"
"It's not my fault," Ophichius grunted, snatching the paper out of her hands. "I blame Gem and his anger issues. Remember when he was shouting at the Brazil guy a few days ago? Well this is the fallout,"
"Did he talk to Virgo?"
"It's Gem," He answered dryly. Mini laughed.
"I'll go bother him. Don't work too hard! Scorp and Can are going out for an ultrasound today, so they're-,"
"I know, Mini,"
"Right," She flushed. "I'll leave you alone now," she left the room, leaving Ophichius to fiddle with his father's wedding ring as he watched her retreating form.

Aquarius tapped on one of the test tubes in front of her, frowning behind her lab goggles.
Sagittarius and Capricorn shrugged at each other before turning back to watch the woman.
"Right. I have a new poison!" She declared after a few seconds, lifting up the test tube. "Who's trying it?" She turned to grin at her guinea-pigs.
"Not it!" Sagi yelled immediately.
"No- oh fanculo," Capricorn cursed.
Sagittarius snickered.
"Try this, Capri," Aquarius pressed the tube into his hand and he took it, squinting inside.
"Will this ruin our peace treaty?" He asked.
"I have an antidote!" She protested as Sagittarius continued to laugh.
"I just need to study the effects on the person, and if it's deadly enough to kill," she explained.
"Like that's not worrying," Capricorn muttered.
"Tari's done it plenty times and he hasn't died!"
"It's true," Sagittarius took a break from his laughter to agree with Aquarius. "I am completely fine,"
"That might be going too far,"
"Aqua!" The archer whined as his companions both laughed. He pouted. "I thought Capri was supposed to be trying the poison,"
"You're right," Aquarius coughed and looked over at the man.
He grimaced before downing the poison in one.
He licked his lips and cringed at the taste. "That is- oh," he put a hand to his throat as he started coughing.
"Describe the effects," Aquarius grabbed a pen and paper and stared him down.
"Aqua, don't be harsh. How are you feeling, Capri?" Sagittarius rubbed a hand on his back.
"Horrible taste, it's stuck in my throat. It feels-," he broke out into coughs. "Like it's eating up my insides,"
"Perfect!" Aquarius' eyes shone.
"Best get the antidote now," Sagittarius suggested, guiding Capricorn to a chair.
Aquarius nodded and reached for another vial, handing it to Sagittarius who put it to Capricorn's lips and made him drink it in one.
After a few moments, the man relaxed against Sagittarius, eyes fluttering shut.
"I'm just gonna... take a nap... here," he murmured.
"No! You're too-," Sagittarius protested before Capricorn slumped fully against him. "Heavy," he grunted.

Cancer swung her legs childishly on the bed as she and Scorpio waited for the gynaecologist.
"Stop fidgeting," he chided.
"I can't stay still," she retorted, stretching out a hand for him to take.
He sighed and stepped closer to his wife, interlacing their hands.
She hummed contently as she fiddled with his fingers.
He smiled softly and kissed her head.
"Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr and Mrs-,"
"It's fine, Doctor," Scorpio interrupted.
"Okay, okay. Can you lie back for me sweetheart? I'm sure you're familiar with the procedure," the doctor said kindly to Cancer who nodded.
She woman let go of her husband's hand and lied back on the bed, lifting up her t-shirt to show her swollen stomach.
The doctor spread gel over her stomach, and placed the ultrasound wand over her stomach.
"How far along are you now?" The doctor asked conversationally.
"About seven months, I think," cancer replied.
"Have you found out the gender?"
"No," Scorpio answered, retaking Cancer's hand. She squeezed it in response.
"What is our baby's gender?" Cancer questioned.
The doctor turned and looked at the screen and scanned the image.
"You're having a..."

"Pizza! It's dinner! Everyone up!" Taurus yelled, banging pots and pans together.
"We have servants you know? You can ask them to help you," Gem grumbled, appearing with Aries by his side.
"Ophichius let them go for the day," Taurus replied.
"And I like to shout at people,"
"Do not say it," Aries put a hand over gem's mouth as he opened it.
"What's up, Taur?" Virgo appeared next to his husband, Pisces and Leo next to him.
"Dinner's ready," he replied.
"Thank you, Taurus. We'll go sit down," Leo ushered the growing group of killers into the dining room.

Chapter translations (google translate)
Fanculo- fuck

I'm back.
I'm shit at updating I apologise.

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