𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 14- 𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑦'𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑒?

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The woman jumped and turned as Mini burst into the room, followed by Sagittarius.
The pregnant woman was in one of the living rooms, eating crisps and watching TV.
"What's wrong?" She asked, frowning as she looked at their expressions.
"We can't find Gem," Sagittarius replied, yawning. "Mini woke me up 20 minutes ago,"
"My brother is always up watching countdown by 7am, always. Even if he's ill. He wasn't this morning,"
"It's only half 7-,"
"Cance, please believe me. Gem has a system," Mini begged.
Cancer sighed. "Okay. Help me up,"
Sagittarius crossed the room and heaved her to her feet. "Thanks," She muttered, waddling over to Mini. "Let's go to his room,"
"Y-yeah," Mini stuttered.

"Have you seem Ari today?" Libra grumbled to Leo.
"No, why?" The older woman answered.
"It's just weird. She's usually wreaking havoc with Gem this time of morning,"
Leo frowned just as Capricorn and Aquarius came into the room.
"You look terrible, Libra," Capricorn informed her. She stuck her tongue out at him and he snorted.
"Get Sag to bed alright?"
"I shoved him into his mattress and he was gone," the man answered.
Aquarius looked between the two Italians quizzically before turning to Leo.
"So we think we got something. Gem sent a text this morning-,"
The group in the dining room turned at Sagittarius' loud shout.
"What's happened?" Libra got to her feet.
"Sagi!" Aqua yelled, rushing out to the corridor, Capricorn and hot on her heels.
"Suppose we have to go see what's happened," Leo got to her feet and followed the two.
Libra groaned and also stood.

"It'll be okay," Cancer soothed, having an arm wrapped around Mini's shoulders.
"What is it?" Aquarius asked as she neared the trio.
Sagittarius handed her the note.
"He's fucking gone my fucking stupid brother," Mini cursed.
"Did Aries go with him?" Leo demanded.
"She did," Cancer confirmed.
"Here Lee," Capricorn passed the paper to his boss who scanned it.
"Have you-,"
"What's wrong this time?"
The group turned as Ophichius descended the staircase, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus following.
"Gem and Aries left to follow a lead," Sagittarius answered.
"Have they called since they left?" Virgo questioned.
"No, they said they would if they got a good lead," Leo clenched her teeth.
"Maybe we should go back to the scene where Pisce was kidnapped. There could be a clue, right?" Aquarius suggested.
"Sag and I will go with you," Capricorn agreed.
"We will?" The said man muttered. Both Capricorn and Aquarius shot him a look. "We will, yes. Let's go... do that now?" He looked over at Ophichius.
His boss inclined his head and the trio set off.

Once they'd settled in the B and B, Gem opened his laptop to start typing. Aries perched herself on the table next to him, chewing gum and swinging her legs impatiently.
"I'm onto the database," Gem declared. "Yeah. Seems like they have- look at the code here," he pointed to his screen. "This is the alert code for a prisoner being brought into one of the safe houses,"
"Sure," Aries said. "Does it tell us where Pisce is though?"
"Give me a second. Whilst I do that, text Leo. They have to know we've found her,"
"Roger that," Aries slipped her phone out of her pocket and started tapping it.

sai che mi ami davvero :)

[19:34] Ari: Leo l'abbiamo trovata. posizione di invio.
[19:36] Leo: Buona. Ti ucciderò dopo che l'avremo presa
[19:39] Ari: abbastanza giusto. ti amo!

Leo glared at her phone and pocketed it.
"What's up?" Mini questioned.
"Aries texted me.  They found Pisce," The Italian replied irritably.
"So Gem's okay?" Mini straightened, dropping her tablet to the table.
Leo sighed and dragged her phone out, unlocked it, and handed it to Mini.
"I'll find them soon," she promised.
"I'll alert Ophichius," Leo got to her feet.
"He won't shout at you anymore. He said he was gonna apologise," Mini said.
Leo looked down at her, but the girl was in her own little word, tapping at both the phone and tablet.
"Marry him already," Leo decided to grumble instead, almost stomping out the room.
Once she had left, Mini buried her face into her hands and groaned. "I do not like him in any way that's not professional," she decided.

Capricorn crouched and studied the ground.
"Are you a geologist or something? What's the ground gonna tell us?" Aquarius asked, shoving her hands into her pockets as she shivered.
"You should've gotten a coat before we left," Sagittarius chided.
"No," Aquarius stuck her chin out petulantly. "I'm fine,"
Sagittarius scoffed, shrugged off his own jacket and put it over the girl's shoulders.
She ignored his smug look as she pulled the fabric over her arms and snuggled into it.
"I studied rock a bit in university," Capricorn said, looking up at the two with a small smile on his face. "But I was looking at this," he picked up a small piece of fabric.
"What kind of Scooby Doo shit is this?" Sagittarius grumbled as Capricorn handed him the scrap.
Aquarius snorted as Capricorn rolled his eyes affectionately.

Chapter translations (google translate)
sai che mi ami davvero- you know you love me really
Leo l'abbiamo trovata. posizione di invio- Leo we've found her. Sending location
Buona. Ti ucciderò dopo che l'avremo presa- good. I am going to kill you after we get her
Abbastanza giusto. ti amo!- fair enough. Love you!

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