~ Prologue ~

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Touya's POV:

He's probably having a blast. He's probably having so much fun. Mr perfect special child, with his little traumatic scar and stealing all of dad's attention. I sigh, hands in my pocket. I'm currently walking home from school. Yumi said that she's in the library doing homework and Nat's at soccer club. Which means I'll be alone while dad is teaching Shoto all these cool moves. Why did he get the cool quirk? I could've easily beaten him in a fight if only my quirk didn't burn me as much as it does. I'm only a few minutes away from my house when I hear a blood-curdling scream. A scream that sounded familiar.

Ha, I laugh to myself, Poor little Shoto, couldn't handle a couple of punches. When dad used to train me I barely got hurt, besides from my quirk. I rolled my eyes at the last part and continued my way home.

When I walked up to the front door something didn't feel right. It seemed too... quiet. Especially after Shoto's screech earlier. Normally dad would be yelling at him to do better. I tried to brush off the feeling and walked inside, only to be met with shattered glass, broken vases and burn marks everywhere. I was confused, we had the training room for a reason, to train in. Why did it look like the fight out here?

My heart stopped when I went around the corner to the kitchen. There was my dad lying on the floor, blood and some small fires surrounding him. I immediately grabbed my drink bottle from my bag to extinguish the fire. I sat him up against a cupboard and checked his pulse. 

It's still there, I assure myself, and he's still breathing. 

My hand reaches for my pocket where my phone was, with dad knocked out I needed the help of other Pro-Heroes. I dial 110 on my phone.

"Hello, this is the Musutafu Police and Hero centre. What's your emergency?" A calm but stern voice answered.

I try to stop myself from quivering, "H-Hello, I just found my dad unconscious o-on the fl-floor."

"Hey it's okay kid," the person tries to assure me, "We have Pro-Heroes and Police officers coming to your location. What's your dad's name?"

"Enji Todoroki," I respond, feeling better, "Pro-Hero Endeavour."

"Interesting," the voice mumbles, "Listen, do you know if any siblings were in the house at the time?"

"No-" I stop myself. Shit, I forgot about Shoto! "I m-mean yes, my youngest brother was supposed to be in here but I don't know where he is."

The voice sighs, "He might be hiding somewhere after what happened, the Police and Pro-Heroes should be here any minute. You can go look for him as long as you stay in the house."

I nod, then a remember that they couldn't see me, "Okay, thank you."

I could hear some laughter, "No problem kid. The Pros are here now so you can hang up now."

I chuckle slightly back and hang up, deciding to stay with dad until the Pros get in here. 

I hear a harsh knock from the front door. "This is the Japanese Police Force, we advise you to step away from the door!"

"It's unlocked!" I yelled at them.

I hear the door open and see three Police officers and two Pro-Heroes walk into the kitchen. An Underground Hero, Eraserhead and All Might himself. I was in awe, then I remembered the situation.

"I arrived here to see my dad on the floor, he's still breathing," I informed them, I wanted them to see that Endeavour's son was calm and reliable in situations like these, "My younger brother should be around here somewhere."

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