~ Chapter 1 ~

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The image above is what Touya's hero suit looks like.
Also, I feel like I should make it more clear that Touya, Fuyumi and Nastuo didn't know that Shoto was getting abused, just so ya know :3

Dabi's (Touya) POV:

10 years later

"Nice job, Touya," Endeavour said to me as we handed the criminal to the Police. 

It's been almost 10 years since I enrolled in UA, and naturally, I got accepted through recommendations. Many thought that as soon as I graduated I would start my own agency. But I started to work at dad's agency, mainly because that's what he wanted, but also because I wanted to work with him more. Ever since I started UA, dad hasn't been training me as much as he used to... hasn't been training me as much as Shoto.

I flinched at the thought. After 48 hours of his disappearance, the Police announced him as dead. Dad seemed sad, I once heard him on the phone apologising to mum about it. I thought it was because now he wouldn't have an heir to become the next No.1 Hero. So when I asked if I could go to UA, he basically jumped at the idea.

"Thanks, Dad," I replied, "Though I wish it could've been more challenging."

Detective Tsukauchi then comes up to us. "Pro-Heroes Endeavour and Dabi, thank you for helping us today." he thanked us and bowed. 

Dad bowed back, "Don't thank us, it was our pleasure." I bowed as well. 

Tsukauchi smiled at us and went over to the Police officers. Then Dad turned to me, "Now Touya, I believe that you have a class to go teach soon."

I nod, wave him goodbye and head to UA High School. Though I work as a part-time Hero, I also work at UA as a teacher. Don't judge me, I loved that school and I wanted to help them train future heroes. For the last 3 years, I've been teaching Class 1-A, along with Shota Aizawa. 

Though this year we know would be hard, because this year would've been Shoto's first year at UA. Sometimes I blame myself for his disappearance. If I had only got there earlier. If I had cared about him more. If I-

But I try not to think about those things, I know that Shoto cared a lot about me, and also Natsuo and Fuyumi, and that he wouldn't want us to live miserably because of him.

I've been thinking so much that I didn't realise that I had arrived at the door of my classroom. Judging from the noise, I'd say that most if not all of the students were there. I looked down at myself and realised that I was still in my hero suit. 

 Eh, whatever. It doesn't matter that much, I shrug as I entered the classroom.

Big mistake. It was utter chaos in here. There was an angry pomeranian yelling 'DIE!!' to everyone he sees, a poor red-headed shark and a Pikachu trying to stop him, a bunch of girls cheering on a pink girl who was break dancing, a dude with eight arms and a birdman talking to a boy with a tail, a sonic looking dude trying to shut everyone up and a broccoli boy and Kirby trying to talk over the noise.

Wow, I sweatdropped as I just stood at the doorway like an idiot, My students are getting crazier by the year.

I clap my hands and walk in front of the blackboard, "Okay guys, class has now begun. Everyone head to their seats." They were surprisingly obedient, seeing as they were out of control before. "I guess you probably already know who I am, but anyways my name is-"

"You must be the Ash Hero: Dabi!" The broccoli boi called out, standing up while pulling out a notebook, "What's the maximum temperature you can stand? How many flames can you make at once? Can you make orange flames like Endeavour? Or just-"

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