~ Chapter 5 ~

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Dabi's POV: 

Finally! It's over! That long, kinda boring, kinda meaningful, kinda nonsense, conversation with those teens. Over!

Don't get me wrong, I didn't mind talking to the students, I just have a hard time socializing and keeping up with the conversation. I was lucky enough that pretty much everyone in the class was good at talking to others. But me being me, I was so glad when that bell rang. Maybe even more excited than the students! 

Anyways, I was now on my way back to Fuyumi's apartment. Me, her, and Nastuo like to catch up now and then. Though it was quite difficult, between Nat going to college, Fuyu's teaching and my Hero work. But today seemed like a good day to have some dinner together and talk. 

As if on queue, I got a text from Nastuo.

Lil Bro

Nastuo: yooo T
Nastuo: Yumi said to meet at that
                  restaurant near our parent's
Delivered at 3:17 pm.

ok got it shortie :Me
Delivered at 3:23 pm.

Nastuo: I thought I told you not to call
                  me that >:(
Nastuo: Im TALLER than you-
Delivered at 3:25 pm.

ouch that hurt :Me
Delivered at 3:26 pm.

Though it may not seem like it after this little convo, I've always gotten along with Nastuo, even though we're 5 years apart. Though he would always beat me in soccer matches we played in our backyard. 

He has a water quirk, an actual combination of our parents' quirks. Though he can only control the water that he creates himself, mostly shooting it out from his hands. He can also affect the temperature of his water, though not change its state.

Fuyumi's quirk, on the other hand, is the same as mum's. Though she doesn't use it often, and I even got her students to call her Elsa. I know, I'm amazing.

I felt another 'buzz' from my phone, expecting it to be another message from Natsuo. But no, it was Yumi this time.

Elsa 💙

Fuyumi: Hey Touya, I asked dad if he 
                   wanted to join you, Nastuo, 
                   mum and I to our little 
                   gathering, but he said no.

I was wondering if something
                   bad happened at work today.
Delivered at 3:31 pm.

I frowned, is dad still mad at today's events? And wait, mum's coming as well?! I thought it would just be us siblings. Though I haven't seen mum in a while. A while after the... Shoto incident, mum was allowed to come back home. We made Sho's room into her new room, as we thought it would be best if she and dad didn't share a room. After Nastuo and Fuyumi moved out, she's been getting a lot better. But I don't think I've seen her ever since I moved into the UA dorms.

I sighed as a typed back to my little sister.

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