~ Chapter 3 ~

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Touya's POV:

"... Touya? Touya are you listening to me?" dad sounded kind of annoyed.

But I wasn't paying attention. Just ahead of us, around a corner, was a boy who held what looked like a mirror. We made eye contact for a couple of seconds, then he started running.

"Hey you!" I tried to follow him, "Get back here!" My dad caught on and started running too. I used my fire to go faster, almost hovering off the ground. 

"Go on the roofs to try and spot him," he yells at me, "I'll keep following on the ground."

"Hai! Make sure to call All Might and Keigo!" I used my fire to propel myself onto the roofs. Interesting, the villain is only keeping to the alleyways, this would make it easier to capture him. 

There! I see him, hiding behind a dumpster, on the phone, Shit, he might be trying to call reinforcements. 

I jump behind him, startling the boy as I fell to the ground, "Listen, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to ask you some questions." I don't want to scare him off again, so I thought that trying to start a conversation would work.

But he looked almost petrified, then stood up straight and put his phone into his pocket, "I don't believe I have any business with you," he told me in a monotone voice. He looked no older than 16, his hair tucked in a black beanie. He was wearing ripped jeans, with a black and white checker-themed top, a black jacket and sneakers. He had grey-brown eyes, but one was covered by an eyepatch.

"No, but explain to me why you were running earlier," I stated, "Most don't normally have reason to run from a Hero."

The boy appeared shocked for a second, but returned to a neutral expression, "Well I apologise, I'm on a tight schedule right now," he explains.

"No offence sir," I say, "But you're being kind of suspicious-"

"I've got you now, villain!" My dad came out of nowhere, trapping the boy in a ring of fire.

He looked scared. Eyes wide, putting his hands to his head and started hyperventilating, "Man. Flames. Orange," he kept muttering to himself repeatedly.

"Good work, son," the flamed-Hero congratulated, "Let me just call All Might and Hawks and we'll be done for the day."

"Dad," I cried, "What the hell was that?!"

He looked at me confused, the boy still panicking in the fire. I'm honestly surprised his beanie hasn't burnt off yet. "What do you mean, Touya?" Dad asked, "We have completed our task-"

"No we haven't!" I yelled at him, but quickly covered my mouth. It's been years since I raised my voice around him. I took a deep breath, "We were tasked to follow and observe them, not attack them! What if we got the wrong dude?-"


It suddenly got colder. Even with my quirk it got cold, and I have one of the hottest quirks you could get! 

We turned around to see dad's fire prison gone. now replaced with an outburst of what looked like a black crystal.

"There has been a lot of ice-like substance located in Hosu City," Nezu had said to me previously. I mentally slapped myself.

"Well are you happy now, Dabi?" My dad spat out. He usually only calls me by my Hero name if he's upset or mad at me.

"Heroes. High ranks." The young male mused, "I've never fought such high ranked Heroes."

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