~ Chapter 7 ~

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I'm so sorry this took so long to come out. Turns out school is hard.

3rd Person POV:

When the giant vortexes began to pop up around the USJ and Villains begin to appear from every direction, arguably the only person who wasn't scared was of course Bakugo Katsuki. Like, why should he be scared? He's gonna be the No.1 Hero someday, he can't be scared of a minor attack.

Ok so maybe he was a little uncomfortable, but to be fair there were like, hundreds of Villains attacking so-

"What?! What do you mean they're real?!" Kaminari yelled out in a panic, hugging tightly to the closest person to him. Which was Jirou, unfortunately for her.

"He means that they're real Villains attacking us, obviously," the Earjack quirk student groaned, "Now get off me, you idiot!"

As the two start bickering, the Underground Hero speaks up, "Thirteen, Dabi, get my students out now," he growled.

"Oh hell nah!" Bakugo stomped to be in front of his teacher, "If we're gonna be Heroes someday, then we need to know how to fucking protect ourselves!"

Thirteen sighed, "Bakugo-"

"I agree with Bakubro!" Kirishima yelled out, his shark teeth showing as he smiled fiercely.

"Oh no, you aren't!" The blue flamed Hero ordered, "All of you are evacuating with Thirteen!"

While most of the students started to move towards the exit, two certain teens stayed behind.

The older of the two used his explosions to propel himself through the air, while the red-haired student ran behind him.

"You two get back here!" Aizawa yelled at them, ready to use his scarf to get them back. But the two weren't paying attention to that. It was like everyone went into slow-mo. Bakugo and Kirishima were ready to throw everything they had at the giant purple cloud in the centre of the arena.

"DIIIEEE!!" The explosive teen yelled out, expecting to beat the hardening student to the Villain. But instead of his explosion harming the Villain, a purple mist swallowed them whole, and his explosion ended up blowing up a large chunk of a wall.

Wait, wall? Where were they?!

"Oi Shitty Hair!" The blonde shouted, hoping the red-haired male would be close by, "You there?!"

"I- oof- Yep Bakugo!" The latter yelled though he seemed to be struggling. 

What is that Shitty Hair doing?! The explosive teen thought when out of nowhere an unknown figure punched him in the gut. Reacting off of instincts, he used his quirk to blast the person (That extra's probably a Villain! Bakugo being Bakugo thought) onto the ground, and knock him out.

When the smoke cleared, he found Kirishima fighting multiple Villains at once. "Oi Shitty Hair!" Bakugo yelled out, distracting some of the Villains, "You think you can be better than me by fighting the most Villains?!" 

"What- Bakubro, no!" Kirishima yelped out, using his quirk to lessen the damage that the Villains were doing to him. But he noticed that some of the Villains that were attacking him were now going to the angry blonde. Whether he did that on purpose to help him, or just because he was Bakugo, didn't matter.

It was both of them against around 10 Villains. Explosions left and right. Rubble falling here and there. Utter chaos.

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Meanwhile, back with Aizawa, Dabi, Thirteen and the rest of Class 1-A, things weren't fairing much better.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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