~ Chapter 2 ~

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Dabi's POV:

Damn, I know Aizawa can be crazy, but this is too far. After the students had introduced themselves, Aizawa made everyone change into their PE uniform. I took this as a chance to go to the bathroom and get changed into more appropriate clothing. 

I decided on black cargo shorts and sneakers, a white t-shirt and a blue jacket. I stare at myself in the mirror, trying to tame my snow-white hair. I remember the times when it used to be red, and those times in my mid-teens when I experimented with black hair dye. I laugh a little at myself, I can't believe what I was thinking back then.

Anyways, what was I talking about before? Oh yeah. Aizawa is crazy because he's making the students compete in various competitions and earn points. And that isn't the crazy part. Whoever has the least points at the end will be expelled! Like I know Aizawa hates kids, but this is kind of extreme. Even for him.

The kids looked stunned and anxious. I can't blame them, but damn. The first task was the throwing task. I wasn't really paying attention though, I thought it was best not to disrupt Aizawa. The pomeranian dude, Bakugo, got 705.2 meters, which I thought was pretty impressive.  And Midoriya got just above that, at 705.3 metres, though it looked like he broke a finger. Bakugo looked mad at that, maybe they had a little rivalry or something. 

I suddenly got a call from Principal Nezu. "Hello?"

"Hello, Touya. How's teaching going?" The creature replied, before sipping a drink. Probably tea.

"It's alright. Aizawa's making them compete in some crazy game," I sighed, "Anyways, what do you want?" It was unlike Nezu to just call you to ask how everything was, when he called it meant he wanted something.

"Aw, you could've let me have my fun for a while longer?"  he sulked. "But since you asked so nicely, I'll tell you. All Might Endeavour and I want you to go on a little mission."

I frowned, "Why now? You know I'm supposed to be teaching."

"Yes, but we believe that your quirk would be the best in this... situation." Nezu responded, "There has been a lot of ice-like substance located in Hosu City,"  he explains, "And we think having you there as some extra firepower would be terrific."

"Fine," I give in. It really sounded like they needed me, besides, it sounded kind of fun. "Where do you want me to meet you?"

"Just at Manual's Hero Agency," the small principal confirmed, "We'll see you there."

"Yep, see you there," I hang up and look around for Aizawa, to see him strangling Mineta with his scarf. I chuckle, same old Aizawa.

"Aizawa, Nezu wants me to go on a mission!" I call out to him. 

He doesn't look at me, too focused on beating up his own student, "Mhm, good luck problem child." I don't whether he was talking to me or his students, but I didn't particularly care.

I went back into the building to get back into my hero suit and get changed. Really Nezu, you could've at least called me before I got changed? 

And then I was on my way to catch the next train to Hosu City.

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Time skip to the Agency cause I'm lazy AF

I arrived at the agency to be met with my dad, All Might and Manual, the leader of the agency. "Nice to see you again, Dabi" Manual welcomed me and lifted his hand.

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