Chapter 7: Friendship

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"Funny you guessed that there was someone," laughed Wanda.

"Not that funny, we used a memory of yours to trick you earlier remember?" the older witch smiled at Wanda.

Wanda frowned, "I forgot about that... I'm not happy that you guys used that memory against me, it was private."

"This is your friendly reminder that we are you, Wanda. We have 'personal memories' that you can access." the older witch sat back, hands on the ground with her legs extended out in front of her. She looked over at Wanda who was contemplating something while letting little red balls of energy flow around her fingertips.

"Well I was close to her," Wanda finally spoke after a few minutes of silence. She turned to look at the other witch, cocked her head slightly to the side. The older witch tensed up, a worried expression crossed her face. Wanda, slightly confused by the other witch's expression asked her what was wrong.

"It is a tendency for us to tilt our heads in the way you just did when we are angry, I was nervous you were about to start attacking me again." admitted the older witch a bit nervously.

"You were afraid I was going to attack you? May I remind you that attacking you hurts me? Why were you afraid?" Wanda asked incredulously.

"Let's not go into that now, you still haven't even answered my first question." the older witch quickly changed the subject. And this time Wanda let her.

"You're right, I haven't answered your question yet." Wanda relaxed. "You really want to know?"

"Yes! We all have different experiences, how about you share yours?" the older witch was clearly interested.

"Alright then," Wanda took a deep breath, then began. "Her name is Natasha Romanoff, she was an Avenger, one of the originals actu--"

"I know who Natasha Romanoff is, stop making the story dreary" interrupted the other witch.

"Shut up! You asked, now I'm telling the story how I want to. No interruptions!" snapped Wanda before she picked up her story from where she had left off. 

"Natasha and I had an interesting way of meeting, I was pitted against her by a killer robot, Ultron, and I used my mental manipulation to bring her back to her time in the Red Room. It was not the way to start a friendship but thankfully she believed in the power of a second chance. She was kind to me during the Battle of Sokovia when I lost my brother. She visited me every day for months after I got back to Avenger's headquarters."

"Did you--? You know?" the older witch interjected as Wanda paused momentarily to think. 

"What the actual hell?" yelled Wanda who jumped to her feet. "You assume that I-, that I-? NO! NO of course we didn't! I was mourning my brother and you think as a teenager I was going to do that?"

"Sorry" the older witch shrugged with a smirk. "Your memory suggests a close bond with Natasha, this suggests that there was more than friendship but if you're so sure then I'll let it drop."

"Damn it! You completely ruined the moment." Wanda stomped away from where the other witch was sitting.

"Wanda I'm sorry!" the witch called out to her. But Wanda ignored her. The other witch got up and made her way over to where Wanda was standing.

"Just because you are me doesn't mean you understand everything that's unique about me," Wanda said in a voice that sounded like it was holding back tears.

"You're right, I pushed it too far," the older witch paused. "But I do have an offer to make."

"An offer?" Wanda asked turning around to face the older witch who nodded.

"Your bond with Natasha is special" explained the witch to Wanda. "We told you that if you followed our advice you could pull someone from the NetherRealm to stay with. If you want I can train you and you can pick Natasha. Would you be up for that?"

"No tricks? No false promises?" asked Wanda cautiously. The older witch shook her head.

"This is a sincere offer," the witch said. Wanda paused then decided.

"Then I'm in!"

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