XVIIII - Chica The Evil Powerful Murderous Annoying and Agitating Chicken

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By the way, this book actually takes place in 2008, Because, if you do the math, if Mike was a kid during the year 1987, then he would be 30 something if it took place in 2015. Don't want that. 😂 anyway. It takes place in 2008. Got it? good 😏. DON'T ARGUE AND JUST READ! And, iPod/iPhone wallpaper above! :D Oh, and seriously, vote in the friggin' poll! I'm getting frustrated with no results! It is very annoying! I may seem very agitated and impatient, and I apologize for that, but just please vote in the poll. Thank You!

I stared at the lifeless Freddy in front of me. I took off his head and removed his endoskeleton, then I turned the hand crank. Chica's footsteps were getting closer. I turned it faster. She was near the Boy's Bathroom. Presto! The suit was safe to climb inside. I quickly scrambled inside. Fuckity fuck! Chica was getting closer, fast. I grabbed the helmet and threw it on. Just then Chica stepped in the doorframe. The only noises were me and Chica's footsteps as I followed her. She looked back at me and pointed at the Pirate's Cove, gesturing me to go there. I put up one finger to say "Just Wait." without words, She nodded and I went to the kitchen. I picked up a knife, a short one so that it would be invisible in my bulky hand. I would just kill her by removing her battery, but my hand was too big now. When I went back, Chica was sneaking up on the Pirate's Cove. I soundlessly sprinted to her behind and readied my knife to stab her head. Just when I was about to attack, she turned around and took the knife from me. She grinned and continued her walk to the Pirates Cove, thinking that I was assisting her by giving her a weapon. FUCK! I ran to the other half of the party room. I removed my helmet and screamed
"HEY BITCH!" At the top of my lungs. She turned with a surprised look on her face, and when she saw who it was, her eyes narrowed and she growled. She abandoned her attack on the Pirate's Cove, YAY! But then she targeted me. Fuck. She was now sprinting at me, her knife in the air. "Mike!" I called out. Just when she got really close, I made a right, letting her slide into the wall, buying me some time. "Are you frickin' suicidal?" He screamed. He came into view, pulled out his pistol and attempted to shoot Chica, but all of his bullets either hit the wall or did her no damage. She glanced at Mike and growled. She was right on my tail. I made a really stupid move and was stuck in a corner. Fuckity fuck! "MIKE!" I screamed. Then, just in time, Chica fell lifelessly to the ground, her knife... In my foot. It felt like 5000 bees stung that one spot. Just don't look down.. Just don't look... down. Me, being the stupid person I am, looked at my foot. A huge gouge was in the suit, blood gathering around it. Oh... My.... Gawsh......... I don't remember screaming, but I must've, because Chloe and Mike came out of what seemed to be nowhere. I barely heard Chloe scream my name. I glanced at the clock. I could barely see it's blurry face. It had 6:00 AM, written on it. It blurred into a completely black face. I looked at my surroundings, which were black. I could clearly hear my heart pump at about 100,000 bpm. Then blank. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. I knew what had happened. My cautiousness had clearly died out. Damn.

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