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By the time Coulson finished issuing orders at the bank, there was noticeable movement, bandits began to flicker in the windows, and a sniper appeared on the second floor.  A minute after that, as soon as the SHIELD operatives dispersed, a Rhino emerged from the building, which eagerly went to break through.  Behind him, having opened fire on the police, the bandits, following their boss, began to climb out.

"Damn, they'll break the whole plan for me," Phil sighed, taking out a magnum and opening fire.  Not wanting to chase his opponents around the city, Peter jumped off the roof and hid his phone, headed to meet Satsevich.  This situation was so similar to the day Gwen died that Parker involuntarily flinched.

The battle was difficult, the battle was hard and exhausting.  Rhino, Shocker, Scorpio, and individually were not easy opponents, but the three of them for one Spider-Man were akin to the final exams for a freshman.  If not for Peter's ingenuity, as well as some new developments for the suit that he created in Connors' laboratory, then he would die that day.  And so he survived, escaped with only a few fractures and a colorful bruise on his face, and, sitting right on the asphalt, began to await the arrival of the police.

The sound of sirens was heard a quarter of an hour after the guy sat down to rest.  None of the defeated showed signs that he regained consciousness, and the guy decided that he had the right to go home early.  Seeing cars of a known color, he released a cobweb and climbed onto the roof of a nearby building to rush to his native Queens.  Under the cold April wind that blew from the river.

Probably only the cold prevented him from switching off right in the flight, he was in a hurry home to Gwen, who was supposed to come early from the pairs, to help his mother prepare for dinner.  Today they wanted to make an important announcement - only a week ago, the girl felt sick, and after taking the test, she realized that she was pregnant.  Today they wanted to set a wedding date so that they could finally be together forever, and they had only to wait for Mr. Stacy to return home.

There were riots in Queens, as well as in any other war-torn area of ​​Hammer-Tech and Ozcorp.  As soon as the government announced the pardon of Osborn and Hammer, New York plunged into chaos again, although now it was the chaos of popular indignation.  Pickets, strikes, rallies - all of this broke out spontaneously, often without any organization, just a crowd of disgruntled city residents once again went to express their discontent.  But recently, there have been problems, tired, angry people began to move from words to deeds, throwing the police with burning bottles and bricks, in the hope of getting to those they were guarding and defenders of law and order, willy-nilly, had to open fire, first into the air, and  then through the crowd.  The degree of discontent grew, no one knew when and how it would end, so today there was another rally on the central street of Queens, which blocked the roads to the airports.

Approaching his native land, Peter experienced a strange sensation of anxiety, not like a spider's instinct, something more irrational and strange.  Changing clothes in an inconspicuous alleyway, he hurried home, hoping to calm the alarm in the arms of Gwen, when he saw a dark house, from which they were carrying body bags and crying George ...

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