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Philippe Labonte was a Frenchman who was born on the shores of Lake Laviege and moved to New York in the twenty-first century.  The thin Frenchman, with long dark hair and brown eyes, has attracted the attention of many strong personalities in New York who want to diversify their personal lives.  But none of them knew that the Frenchman was a very curious, intelligent and ambitious young man who wanted to get his hands on influence in this city.  Thanks to the gifts of his "benefactors", he managed to create the largest network of informants in the entire city, who by the year two thousand and twelve had become a separate stratum of society, headed by Cricket.  They traded in any information related to people, and were the same force as the Kingpin's thugs, although they did not break the rules.

Philippe himself lived in a small apartment located in one of the houses near Forest Park, among the lowest buildings in Queens.  Few people knew that a benevolent man walking a royal poodle and melancholy chewing hot dogs is one of the most influential members of society in this city, and who knew, he was silent because everyone wanted to live.  Philippe respected the secret of someone else's life, never crossing the line, and many understood why - his father was a Nazi, one of the most famous characters of the Second World War - the Red Skull.

-And who decided to visit the old master Labonte?  - With a slightly hoarse, but nevertheless pleasant baritone, Cricket looked attentively at the two people who disturbed his peace.  A beautiful platinum blonde was hanging from the Spider's arms.  - Well, well is it  Karakurt and..... Silver Sable?  Your couple made a stir in the city, Jamison even started talking about the fact that you kidnapped someone for a profitable ransom.

-Jonah always reacted too impulsively to my actions,- Peter said with a slight frown, lowering the girl to the floor.  It was not hard for him to keep her on weight, in the end he calmly stopped the trucks, rushing at high speed through the city, and here it was only a few tens of kilos.  But the evil look boring on the guy was the promise of big problems, and the young man tried to minimize the damage.  - We've lost one person here, Cricket, can you help find her?

-Do not shorten my nickname, boy!  - the man immediately reacted, casting an evil glance at the guy.  -I don’t call you Pau? Or Chelo!

- You called me Karakurt, - the guy snorted in response, going up to the fireplace and looking at the photos.  There were not many of them, only five, but each of them displayed people dear to Philippe - a photo of a mother holding her son in her arms, in the background you can see the hand of a Skull standing nearby, but the man's head is not visible.  The next photo shows several men, including Philippe, fishing somewhere in the area of ​​Hart Island.  A huge fish in Osborn's hands, smiles on everyone's faces and Larbo's sad look, looking into the lens.  The man knew that Norman would kill everyone who entered his "Rainbow Club" within a week, so as not to defame the name of the Osborn before the wedding - only a Frenchman who hid from the murderers in a safe haven would survive.  There were several more photographs with significant people for Labonte who played an important role in his life, and the last photograph shows a girl, about twenty-five years old, holding a parcel with a child in her hands.  This pose, appearance and gaze directed at her son were similar to how Felippe's mother looked at the man himself, and in this photo, in the same way, Labonte himself is not, only his hand.

-This is your new nickname, in the shadows of the city,- the man said calmly.  - Anna Sablinova was kidnapped by Shocker's "rockers", is now in the South Bronx and is being prepared for sale at Yankee Stadium.  There will be a fairly large batch of slaves for the gentlemen from the old lady of Europe, so they are trying.

-What?!  - irritation, hatred and anger made Silver even forget that Peter asked her to be silent during the conversation.  - I going to ...

-You have three million pesos for this information,- the man continued calmly, not paying attention to the angry woman.  - The term is a week.  You can go.

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