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Sitting in a small bar, Peter watched intently as the ice melted in a glass.  A week has passed since Sobol and his sister left New York.  This happened the day after Anna was rescued from the clutches of the "rockers".  It was then that Peter first thought about leaving his hometown, to visit another country.

Kennedy International Airport was one of the largest airfields in the entire city.  Hundreds of planes took off and landed on its landing strips, and tens of thousands of passengers passed customs control.  The waiting room at this airport was huge, in it it was really possible to lose not only yourself, your belongings and life, but even two girlfriends who follow and snuggle up to you from both sides.  Approaching the entrance to the ticket checkpoint, Peter reluctantly let go of Silver and Anna, realizing that it was time for them to leave.

-Peter, if you ever will be in Europe, stop by, - Anna said, hugging the guy.  Running her finger along the guy's neck, she passionately dug into him with a kiss, finally biting her lower lip.  - Be sure to stop by, dear!  I will be very glad, and Sil will join us.

“Surprisingly, I agree with my sister,” Silver said with a chuckle, kissing Spider on the cheek and passing to the control.  “Don't forget us, Pete!  Call me if you need me.  I will always come to the rescue, and if you have money, we will bring the whole Pack!

“Bye-bye,” Anna said, kissing the guy on the other cheek, and went after her sister.  Despite the fact that she was kidnapped, the girl has the most pleasant memories of New York.

After spending a short time at the airport, as well as hearing that the plane was leaving for London, Peter sighed and went to his home bar to Hank.  He had another two weeks off from university, which Connors' student wanted to spend doing nothing.

After rolling a piece of ice in a glass, the guy looked at the wall opposite the entrance and took a sip, imperceptibly falling into the memories of three weeks of Chaos that forever changed the life of the city, its appearance and attitude towards corporations.  Three weeks, a lot or a little, no one knew, but Peter Parker knew - three weeks is a whole life, which you can go through with ease, or you can go through with agony and pain.

Sitting on the roof of a building in the Bronx, the guy watched with enthusiasm as a dozen bandits belonging to two warring factions fought with each other.  So far, SBG has won, although Spider thinks NGG hasn't been doing so badly.  The score was 4: 6, but thanks to the big guy from NGG, everything could change at any moment.  But suddenly there was a howl of sirens, and the guy just threw down a web bomb and went to see what was happening.  The bomb was created from a new type of web, which contained a certain type of bacteria that were short-lived enough, but had one good property - when they got into the air, they began to multiply rapidly, which led to the creation of a new web.  This created at first a small cocoon, and then generated huge probes that tried to grab any objects within a radius of a couple of meters, whose temperature was higher than the air temperature.  Grabbing them, she attracted objects to her, sharply contracting and creating a mini-prison in the form of a round ball, inside which dozens of people were moving.  The downside of the new development was the dependence on the ambient temperature, as well as the short life of the bacteria themselves - if the air was warmer than twenty-three degrees, then the bacteria simply did not see people and objects with a higher temperature, and they themselves lived on the strength of one and a half minutes.  But that time was enough for those assholes who had a brawl downstairs.  Confused, they began screaming about Spider-Man's arbitrariness, which interfered with their masculine conversation and demanded that he return and free them.

Leaping forward, clinging to the roof of the nearest suitable building with cobwebs and swaying like an air gymnast, Peter began to move towards the siren howling, gradually approaching the scene.  The closer he got, the clearer were the sounds of the struggle between the two titans - the grinding of metal, the shots of police machine guns and pistols, as well as the chirping of plasma weapons shells.  Finding himself in the air, just above the place of the fight, the young man saw how the Rhino was trying to prevent some armored robot armed with a plasma cannon and a huge pincer hand deep into Harlem.  The Hammer-tech emblem made the guy stare thoughtfully at the performance, but a sharp blow to the police car brought Spider out of his trance, sending him down into battle.

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