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Sudden lightning that lit up the skies and came from the ground caused Peter to deviate from his usual patrol route and start flying towards West Manhattan.  Knowing that the headquarters of the Fantastic Four was located in that direction, the guy had no doubt that they had exploded.  Rushing to the scene within a minute, the guy saw how the Bexter building was attacked by an army, if not robots, then similar creatures, led by the infamous king of Latveria.  Dressed in his usual costume, which included a mask, a robe and some kind of armor, Victor walked towards Grimm, who fought off the robots with the fact that he had given him a different world - stone fists.

Sighing, realizing that he would have to deal with the king of a European power on his own, Peter quickly entered the crowd of robots, scattering them behind von Doom, who turned around to understand who it was.

"Spider-Man, what a meeting," sighing, the man said, creating an impressive stone shard in his hand and sending it to the guy.  Dodging a fast enough object, Peter tried to counterattack, but several robots that had piled up from different directions forced him to retreat.  "I can't understand, does our little party with my sworn friends really interfere with your life so much?  I don't attack innocents, my robots only prey on members of my former team."

“Mr. Doom, you are causing havoc in my city,” sighing, Peter grabbed a couple of robots with a web and launched them with force at the king of Latveria.  "If you arranged a showdown somewhere in the desert or outside the city limits of New York, I would not lift a finger, otherwise I have to deal with you.  Was it really difficult to organize this Sabantuy in Africa or Europe!  Why the hell are events like this disturbing this city again and again?!"

“He wants to capture that portal that took us to Latveria,” Ben breathed, approaching Victor and hitting him in the head with a stone fist, sending him on a short flight - yet despite the monstrous strength, titanium was not the lightest metal.  "He has some plans for that world, and they are clearly far from ideal."

"I just want to explore it," Victor breathed indignantly as he landed close to Susan.  Grunting, the blonde immediately grabbed him with her strength, sending him back.  "At least someone is willing to listen to me?"  Or am I a ping pong ball?"

"Well, I'm not really interested in your opinion, Mr. Doom," the guy replied calmly, redirecting the man towards Ben.  “I'm only here because I don't want to let chaos in the city."

"And your words do not sway me at all!"  Grimm responded immediately, sending the man up with a hard punch.

“I didn’t hear you at all,” Johnny said, helping Victor go towards Reed, while Richard, twisting into a kind of slingshot, caught Doom with his body.

“Have a good time, Victor,” Mr. Fantastic said, helping the king to get into the van of the prison car.  "Thank you, Spider, your help was invaluable.  As far as I understood from the remarks, you didn’t really want to help us."

"I can't wait until you finally leave for that conference in Asia," Peter said with a chuckle, ending up on a nearby lamppost.  To the surprise of the guy, the general facade of the streets was practically not damaged - most of the lanterns, hydrants and even the asphalt were intact, only in some places there were dents, and near one of the corners of the Bexter building one could see a neat hill of robots.   "Okay, good evening to you, and I flew on, there are plenty of cases."

"If anything happened, come visit," Ben said with a chuckle, looking at the guy's figure moving further and further away.  With a wave of his hand to indicate what he had heard, Peter turned sharply behind the nearest building, hearing the sound of police sirens in the distance.

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