Chapter- 5 Female warrior

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Redeem?” Yu Baoyuan narrowed his eyes.

    Gu Feng wouldn't do it this way, would he?

    Gu Feng laughed there, but his eyes were still cold, "Go back and look at the contract, and count the number of zeros behind it."

    Yu Baoyuan pressed his mouth tightly, and there were thousands of words in his heart that needed to rush out. .

    Chen Lining quietly tugged at Gu Feng's sleeve, "Gu Feng, don't be like this. He is also a pitiful person, don't do it like this."

    "He's pathetic?" A smirk flashed across Gu Feng's eyes, "What's so sad about him." He's been stalking him for the past five years, and I'm not forcing him."

    Yu Baoyuan didn't think he was pitiful at first, but when Gu Feng said so, he suddenly started to sympathize with him.

    The old mother chased him for five years, waited for him for five years, worked with him for five years, and secretly carried the baby, only to get indifferent comments.

    In five years, the stones will be scorching hot.

    Yu Baoyuan took a deep breath, "Okay Master Gu, don't bother you. I'll go to work tomorrow afternoon." Gu Feng hugged Chen Lining and nodded. Then he turned his head slightly, "You don't need to call me Master Gu, just call his name."

    Somehow, this person suddenly called out so strangely that he was a little uncomfortable.

    “You can also stay here for half a year. Uncle He will clean the guest room upstairs and give it to you.”

    “No, I found the house and moved in by myself. It's disgusting to see you two mandarin ducks crossing each other. every day."

    Gu Feng's face turned blue. , "You find out for yourself."


    The next day, Yu Baoyuan seemed to be going to work with enthusiasm.

    The main reason was because I saw the default amount of the contract last night.

    He was surprised, and then relieved again , and even added five leading zeros.

    I can't afford to replace them, so it doesn't make any difference.

    After talking about five years, five years, four and a half years have passed, can't it be done in the remaining half year?

    He carried his things and walked to the assistant's room on the top floor. The other assistants were busy most of the morning, and there were too many things, they just nodded slightly to show, and then buried their heads to do their own business.

    As soon as Yu Baoyuan turned on the computer, Anna twisted her waist and came over.

    “Little Yuanbao, how did you ask for leave a few days ago? Because it hurts?"

    Yu Baoyuan opened the cup and added a handful of goji berries to the hot water. "A little trouble, it's fine now."

    Anna is also Gu Feng's assistant, mainly in charge of financial matters. So far, his work is excellent, and he is known as a predator in the business world.

    She was wearing a new dark formal dress today, with curves that were more graceful and more eye-catching than usual.

    Yu Baoyuan drank a mouthful of wolfberry tea, "Nothing complicated today, right?"

    Anna shook her head, and boredly flipped through the books on Yu Baoyuan's desk. Suddenly his brows furrowed slightly, "What book are you reading?" .. "Good Pregnancy Every Day", "Baoma Development Guide", what are these things?"

    Yu Baoyuan blushed, and hurriedly took the book back and hid it, "It's okay."

    Anna's face showed an unclear meaning. Smiling, quietly turning his head closer for a minute or two, "Could it be... you and Master Gu? Huh?"

    Anna had always known about Yu Baoyuan and Gu Feng.

    This is all to blame for Yu Baoyuan, he is too ridiculous. Once I saw Gu Feng who was serious and abstained from wearing formal leather shoes, suddenly became excited, Gu Feng was so tempted by him that he made a fire and rectified the Fa on the spot.

    Then Anna saw the clue.

    Anna's eyes were too sharp. Even though she is a twenty-eight year old spinster, she has often read limited-level Tanmei manga fan books since the third grade of elementary school. After years of accumulated corrupt culture, she can also be considered an expansive and well-studied book reader

Anna laughed when she saw Yu Baoyuan, who was walking out of the president's office, blushing with a hickey on his neck.

    Yu Baoyuan looked at Anna sharply, "Nothing like that, don't guess."

    "Just tell me, won't you? There's a guy in San Diego, USA who has given birth to quintuplets. The first one, very shy. It's very exciting."

    Yu Baoyuan cleared his throat, "It's okay. Ms. Bao, you ask too many questions."

    Anna heard Ms. Bao, he wanted to scream and protest uncontrollably.

    Just like Mr. Tony at the barber shop, his real name is Liu Gouwa. Urban beauty Ms. Anna, who is always based on fashion trends and elite style, is called Bao Juhua.

    Anna wasn't afraid of being scared, just afraid that other people would call her by her real name.

    Anna returned to her seat with an annoyed expression.

    After finally fooling Anna, Yu Baoyuan was about to heave a sigh of relief when the intercom phone on the table rang nervously.

    He frowned.

    This call is from the president's office.

    He took a deep breath and took it, "Master Gu."

    Gu Feng's slightly angry voice rang out there, "Yu Baoyuan, what time is it?"

    "Half past eleven."

    Gu Feng paused, "You think about it. For yourself, have you forgotten what to do!"


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