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Yu Baoyuan stepped forward, took the first draft of the plan in Chen Lining's hand, and opened it with a sneer, "This is what you wrote, Chen Lining, have you really participated in the formal corporate assistant training?"

Chen Lining nodded, "Yeah."

"Good," Yu Baoyuan calmed his eyes, "The plan I gave you is a publicity plan for a new commercial building under the Gu Group. You tell me that compared with the previous publicity plan, the innovation lies in Where? What is the estimated expenditure? What are the points consistent with the market research results?"

Chen Lining was a little stunned, "It may be..."

"Maybe?" Yu Baoyuan asked, "I don't want to be possible, and give me a definite answer."

"I think..." Chen Lining was a little anxious, his face flushed.

"Can't answer? Well, let me ask you again. Which group is the main coverage of this publicity program? In order to attract passenger flow, what activities will be roughly carried out? Which company will cooperate with? What is the expected profit target? Data? What is the standard?"

Chen Lining even more hesitated, "This..."

Yu Baoyuan closed the information with a snap, "Still still unable to answer?"

Chen Lining did not answer the call.

"The inability to answer shows two things," Yu Baoyuan casually put the folder aside, leaning against the desk with his arms around his chest, with a strong aura, handsome and attractive, "Or, you didn't take the training seriously at all. , This shows that you don't really want to do this job, but came to Gu with other purposes; or you have received training but don't understand at all. This shows that... you may need to take a formal IQ test . What do you think, what kind of you are?"

Listening to Yu Baoyuan's words, Anna couldn't hold back for a while and burst into a hearty laugh.

"You said too much!"

"Excessive? Is this excessive?" Yu Baoyuan sneered and pointed to the box of chocolates on Anna's desk. "You came back from Germany and gave all the assistants in the assistant room a box of chocolates. I didn't receive it. Of course. , I don't care about your gadgets, but your thoughts on giving gifts are suspicious."

With a smile in his eyes, he straightened his back and walked to Chen Lining, "Do you think you can use this little trick, sugar-coated cannonballs, to slowly hug them into a small group and push me out, wanting to use this kind of office coldness? Will violence come to defeat me?"

"I didn't." Chen Lining resolutely denied it.

"It doesn't matter whether you admit it or deny it," Yu Baoyuan smiled, supporting the table with both hands, and sitting directly on it, with two slender legs overlapping at will, "You have to figure out a fact..."

As he said, he glanced around at these assistants who are usually well-connected, "They are my people."

In the entire assistant room, only Yu Baoyuan is a man, and he is gay.

Therefore, everyone usually jokes, because the relationship is good, and they don't mind.

As soon as this sentence came out, all the assistants had no objection, and Anna even leaned on one side and twisted her waist to send a kiss in the air.

Chen Lining clenched his fists, and finally couldn't hold back the artificial smile, "Okay, you are great, can you?"

"Of course I'm amazing," Yu Baoyuan blinked, "I'm not amazing, how can I do more planning, but I haven't made any mistakes? I'm not amazing, how can I have my eyes on the demon and subdue the demon?"

As he said, he walked to Chen Lining's side, squinting at the little lotus that was burning with anger, "Today Brother Yu teaches you a truth. Whether you want to do something or want to do evil, the premise is that you are qualified. Ability. Do something in your place, what about you? Think of the company as your tormenting field, thinking about suppressing people and showing up, but it is your turn to really help, but you can't get any ability. The company is not. The tool you use to play, I am not your reborn parent. You are a social person, and this is a workplace. No matter how much you can act like a baby, you remember that without the ability, we have zero tolerance for you!"

While speaking, he smiled and walked up to Gu Feng again.

Gu Feng is a full head taller than him, and his body is stronger than him. Yu Baoyuan is facing Gu Feng's collar.

He stretched out his hand, as if to tie Gu Feng's tie intimately, "Why did I leave? There is no tie-worn person around Mr. Gu? This tie was a failure, like a red scarf. "

After a glance, Chen Lining, the young man, turned his eyes red with anger because of his behavior.


Gu Feng lowered his head, only to see Yu Baoyuan tie him like before. Somehow, his heart moved inexplicably, and there was an urge to hug the man.

Yu Baoyuan finished his tie, "Whether it's work or life, we must distinguish what should be distinguished, and do what we should do seriously. Everyone has eyes and no one is a fool. This is for Mr. Gu. Also given to Shao Chen."

After speaking, Yu Baoyuan picked up his coat from his seat and threw it on his shoulder with a bang, like a victorious general, walked with long legs to the door of the assistant room, turned his head slightly, "Brother eat I'm going for lunch, darlings, see you this afternoon."

Afterwards, he smiled brilliantly, revealing two small pointed tiger teeth.

Today, he is Yu Baoyuan, who is handsome and shining.

Not right.

Every day, he is a handsome and radiant Yu Baoyuan.

This is right.

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