64: Katarina 2

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4 years later...

"Katarina!! Stop running! You need to get dressed or you'll catch a cold!" I shouted as I began to chase her.

She just got off from the shower and now she's giving me a hard time again... Such a naughty kid.

"Is Katarina teasing you again?" Bambam asked while he's still on his room.

"Uh, yes. I don't know why she loves teasing me!" I respond.

"You're too cute when you're mad and I can relate to Katarina doing that to you." He chuckles.


He's always getting into Katarina's side.

"Come on, Katarina, I'm tired..." I complained.

"Is thwat it Mommy?" She asked, as she stopped running.

"Got ya!" I hugged her as tight as I can.

"Ehhh! Mommy that's unfair! Cheating is bad!" She stomped her feet.

How cute...

"Now don't be angry... I'm just gonna dress you up. You have school tomorrow."

"I don't wanna go to school! It's boring."

"Well, if you're gonna be a good girl, I will tell you a story about your Mama again."


"Yes, if you promise me."

"Then, I promise!" She held out her pinky finger and then, she crossed it to mine.

"Breaking promises are bad so you should keep it." I patted her head.

"Yes Mommy~"

"Good girl!" I kissed her temple.

It's always been like this. She loves to hear stories about her Mama. And kept waiting for her like I did.

Ever since Katarina turned 3, I began to notice that she can understand more that the other kids does. She's smart. Mama Sachiko said that she got it from me which is kinda funny.

Chaeyoung's mom and brother also came to visit us every Katarina's birthday which is Christmas. I never told them about Chaeyoung's whereabouts and how she is now happy with Somi cause I don't want to ruin her life.

And every midnight on Katarina's birthday, we always makes a letter for Chaeyoung secretly, hoping that she will come back to us. Only Katarina and I knew about that and we promised ourselves to keep it a secret until Chaeyoung comes back. But, not until Bambam saw us writing it.

Everytime we send her a letter, we never did get a response from her. The letter wasn't even given back to us which is strange. If Chaeyoung did read our letter, she would've visit us at least on Katarina's day but I just brushed it off, thinking that Somi might not want Chaeyoung to go back.

"Mommy, who's that tiny ballerina up there?" She asked as I am putting her to bed.

"You now knew about ballerinas?"

"Yes Mommy, I learned it form school!"

"Well, that's good..."

"Remember when I told you that Mama Chaeyoung painted this whole room for you?"


"Well, actually, the ballerina she painted is me." I smiled.

"How come? I thought you were the penguin one..."

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