Chapter 53- True crime

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"Wait. So you're telling me that you went to the police and set all of this up?!" Isabell couldn't fully comprehend what happened.

"Yep. I hid the microphones and everything." Topper leans against the side of the ambulance that Izzy was being examined in. She had her shirt pulled off, revealing her bloody abdomen.

"Looks like you wound opened back up, we're gonna need to bring you to the hospital for stitches." The EMS explains, using a cloth to remove some of the blood.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Iz." Topper warns, holding her arm.

"Look, I've been through a lot a shit today and all I want to do is sleep in my own bed tonight." She pleads to both men.

"Okay I'll make you a deal." The EMS pulled out a package of bandages from a drawer in the ambulance. "If you promise me you'll come in first thing in the morning to get that stitched up."

"Of course officer."

"He's not an officer." Topper tells her at the same time the man says "I'm not an officer."

"Big deal." She scoffs. He walks away leaving the twins alone.

"I'm sorry we put you through that, it was the only way." Toppers guilt ridden face makes Izzy realize how serious everything was. She almost died. Her mom almost murdered her without even flinching. "I shouldn't have done it, we could've done something else-"

"Hey, don't do that to yourself. I'm okay and now she's gone for a long time." She reminds him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Thank god." Topper laughs unexpectedly. Shoupe told Topper he needed to go down to the station to help with the report. Before he left he went to say goodbye to his sister. "Is all of this over now?"

"I wish but I don't know." She sighed, wishing they could all go back to being stupid teens again. "Listen, I don't know what's going to happen but remember that I love you."

"That sounds like a goodbye." Topper became worried, peering down at him. She nodded because she had a feeling it was.

"No, not a goodbye more like a see you later." She felt tears prick her eyes. "I'll always come back, you'll never get rid of me."

Modern loneliness -JJ maybanks Where stories live. Discover now