Chapter 17- golf course

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Golf course

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Golf course


By; Alec Benjamin


After a long and boring beach clean up Izzy was holding a stick to pick up trash when Kielce approached her. She hated her brothers friends but Kielce was the most bearable. He was never nice but what he did to the pogues left a bad taste in her mouth.

"Hey" Kelse said. Izzy stops up straight and looked to him. He was holding a bottle full of what Izzy could only guess was alcohol.

"Hey" she said back in a monotone voice. He looks her up and down obviously checking her out. She rolls her eyes and looks at him. "Did you need something?"

"Oh um yeah I just wanted to see if you wanted some of this" he holds out a bottle of some mysterious liquid. She looks to him and back at his hand. Her attention changes when she hears Sara giggle and topper lift her off of her feat. She groans and turns back to Kelce.

"Sure" she quickly takes it from his hand and takes 3 large gulps before pulling it down and grimacing.

"That's strong" she says. He chuckles and nods. Suddenly a honk rings through the air. Izzy smiles knowing her escape is now here. She looks back at the raggedy van and sees all of her friends looking to her. John b popes his head out of the window.

"Come on Izzy lets get out of here!" He shouts with a chuckle. Izzy looks around her. Kelce is looking at the group with disgust. Topper and Sara stopped to stare along with a few other kooks. Izzys grin only grows knowing she's about to make a scene.

She looks at the bottle in her hand quickly downing the rest of it. Kelce lets out a protest but she ignores it. She tosses it into a trashbag next to her before tossing the stick in her hand she was using to pick up the rumble to her brother.

"Cover for me" she tells him before turning around with a whoops.

"Lets get this show on the road!" She exclaims walking to the van and hoping into the passenger seat through the window. Her friends cheer her on as her body hangs out the window. Her arms hold onto the roof, her legs in the van. The van starts to back up as she waves to the kooks who all wore judgmental faces. Toppers face was full off worry as they drive down the road.

"You sure know how to make a dramatic exit Iz" Kiara tells her as she climbs back into the vehicle. Izzy chuckles besides John b.

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