Chapter 32- abyss

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By; Lewis Capaldi


Izzys pov:

I woke up in one of the booths with JJ's arms wrapped around me. I snuggled closer into his chest and closed my eyes hoping to fall back to sleep until I heard sirens ringing through my ear. JJ and I both shot up. Kiara and Pope were already at the window.

I've notice both of them especially pope acting very strange. I figured it was due to him smoking weed for the first time or all the stress from this whole running from the police thing.

I climbed out of bed, JJ followed close behind. I walked up next to my two friends. JJ can behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I sunk into him and wrapped my hands around his arms.

"Do you think they caught him?" I ask. I feel JJ shake his head no on my shoulder.

"They wouldn't still be looking if they did" he tells him. His voice was raspy and right next to my ear sending tingles down my spine.

"We were in the car too, they're probably looking for us also" pope says making me groan.

This is not how I expected my summer to turn out.

Pope suddenly turns around and leave the wreck. I look to JJ and Kiara confused. We all follow him out and see him getting on JJ's bike.

"Where you going Pope?" I ask.

"I'm going to get gas for John b, meet me at your dads boat later" he says looking to JJ who nods.

"Be careful" Kiara says but pope ignores her. I look to JJ confused but he just shrugs equally as confused. She walks down there talking to him but neither of us can hear due to the bike Motor. Pope pulls off leaving Kiara looking confused along with us.


"Are you sure it wasn't just weird Pope?" JJ asks Kie as we pack up food for John b and Sara. I shake my head no. I know pope, he my best friend and something must be wrong for him to act like that.

"No he was really upset" Kiara explains.

"I agree" I say. JJ presses a kiss to my cheek. I turn to him my eyebrows furrowing together.

Modern loneliness -JJ maybanks Where stories live. Discover now